Seattle metro PNW route to CFR

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Looking forward to seeing everyone in the AM. Just got a phone message from ahchiu, he is having some sort of bike problem. Returned his call but nothing back yet :dntknw: ... hope he gets it sorted out.


I had some problems with my bike today, talking to George and others it may be TPS or bad connectors under the tank the gas looks good

so I'm going have to cancel for tomorrow till I get this figured out, I don't want to be several hundred miles from home and have this happen again, and hold up the group and also not to rack up a huge towing cost, if I get this fixed soon I may shootup later,I will send Dave Green "Hudson" an e-mail or call him, you guy have a great trip and be safe, I'm so bummed but better safe than sorry.

