Seattle - Reno Route

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle (Eastside) WA

I've never ridden from Seattle to Reno, so I'm hoping that someone could suggest a route that isn't just straight down I-5.

If anyone has a route with waypoints and would be willing to share, that would be great.



A possible from Seattle for you might be: Portland (hard to avoid I-5 on this leg), over Mt. Hood to Bend, south to Klamath Falls, cut east to Alturas because I, Warchild, and others HIGHLY recommend The Black Bear Diner for breakfast lunch or dinner, and then down 395 with a full belly to Reno.

This route puts you near Crater Lake if you want to take it. One place I haven't been to yet myself. I'm personally coming from Tri-Cities, WA so will be taking 395 down all the way. Maybe I'll get the itch to do Crater Lake this trip myself.....

Microsoft Streets and Trips calls it 783 miles including Crater Lake with a ride time of 16 hours. This is with the program set to average speed and does not include any stops. It certainly could be run faster if one were in LD mode.


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We rode around Crater Lake on the "Peak To Peak" ride from Sacramento to Skagit last year.

My (our) recommendation: Do it!

If you can work it into your plans, Oregon Hwy 66 between Ashland (on I-5) and Klamath Falls is a real hoot. (Thanks, Hmarc and ocfjr, you were right!)

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Rocketdoc, Terry from Victoria, and I talked about we three and Mike ONeill crossing at Port Angeles and meeting up in Olympia with Canadians from the Mainland. Most certainly anyone heading for WFO5 would be welcome regardless of nationality; a feejer rider is a feejer rider, even those who ride a slower silver model :)

I've heard of this Black Bear Diner. I did not realize, however, that this is where it is. Fortunately, it is on our (FJR&R ridin' with me) route down. Looks like it will make good timing for lunch on the 2nd day headed down.

(Hmm, might cut in to some quality buffet time once in Reno later that day, though...what's a guy to do?? :unsure: )

An alternative to 395 from Alturas to Susanville would be to stay on hwy 139 which goes by the east side of Eagle Lake. I have ridden it a couple times and will most likely go this route myself. Less traffic and fewer trucks than 395. May see some of you on the way. Leaving Medford Thursday morning.

Also, have to agree on hwy 66 from Ashland to Klamath Falls. Nice twisty ride.

If you have time back from Reno ... Go north of Reno to Susanville and you get to take the famous Hwy 36 all the way to the coast. Then north.

I rode from Denver last year just to do the hwy 36 stretch. Wow! And the ride north into Ore was swell worth it.

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I'm in Hermiston Oregon, just south of Tri-Cities WA. I'm planning on taking Hwy 395 all the way down to Reno.

From Seattle I would take 90 or Hwy 410 to Yakima then down I-82 to Hermiston to Hwy 395 through Oregon, much less traffic and LEO's plus some great riding.

A possible from Seattle for you might be: Portland (hard to avoid I-5 on this leg), over Mt. Hood to Bend, south to Klamath Falls, cut east to Alturas because I, Warchild, and others HIGHLY recommend The Black Bear Diner for breakfast lunch or dinner, and then down 395 with a full belly to Reno.
This route puts you near Crater Lake if you want to take it. One place I haven't been to yet myself. I'm personally coming from Tri-Cities, WA so will be taking 395 down all the way. Maybe I'll get the itch to do Crater Lake this trip myself.....

Microsoft Streets and Trips calls it 783 miles including Crater Lake with a ride time of 16 hours. This is with the program set to average speed and does not include any stops. It certainly could be run faster if one were in LD mode.

If I understand that route, it's I5 to portland, US26 (through MtHood, Springs Indian Reservation) to US97, take that down through Bend all the way south to Klamath, the OR39/CA139 to CA299 through Alturas to US395 to Reno. Right?

What's the forest-rat risk on that route if I end up traveling after dark?

If we end up through Alturas at O-dark-thirty, any problem with CA139 down to Susanville?

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A possible from Seattle for you might be: Portland (hard to avoid I-5 on this leg), over Mt. Hood to Bend, south to Klamath Falls, cut east to Alturas because I, Warchild, and others HIGHLY recommend The Black Bear Diner for breakfast lunch or dinner, and then down 395 with a full belly to Reno.

This route puts you near Crater Lake if you want to take it. One place I haven't been to yet myself. I'm personally coming from Tri-Cities, WA so will be taking 395 down all the way. Maybe I'll get the itch to do Crater Lake this trip myself.....

Microsoft Streets and Trips calls it 783 miles including Crater Lake with a ride time of 16 hours. This is with the program set to average speed and does not include any stops. It certainly could be run faster if one were in LD mode.

If I understand that route, it's I5 to portland, US26 (through MtHood, Springs Indian Reservation) to US97, take that down through Bend all the way south to Klamath, the OR39/CA139 to CA299 through Alturas to US395 to Reno. Right?

What's the forest-rat risk on that route if I end up traveling after dark?

If we end up through Alturas at O-dark-thirty, any problem with CA139 down to Susanville?
Please delete previous post. Some day I will learn how to reply.

I lived and worked in Modoc county for several years. It was said if you had lived there for five years and hadn't hit a deer, you didn't have a Drivers License. I would never drive after dark in Modoc county.


I left after three years.
