Security Disk Lock

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Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Cottonwood, Az
font="Arial"][/font]I'll be taking the feej from Chicgo to Prescott, Az at the end of March. I'm worried about theft and discovered this little number:

Has anyone had experience with this lock? The web page says that it will fit the thickness of the disk brake, but I'd feel a little more confident if some of you have tried it and gave it a passing grade.



When I took my trip last summer I was going to buy a Xena just like that. After some research, I found that the alarm could be quieted significantly just by covering with hand. I did buy a disc lock, but went with a cheaper kryptonite brand. I still believe it is a decent lock. I got bright orange with a orange reminder cord to attach on the handlebar. Another reason for going with a cheaper lock was because most thieves want an easy job so just the site of a lock can deter some thefts. My thinking was the brighter color was more noticeable and would maybe deter them. Another point is that if five bikes are sitting there the thief would probably go after the one without any lock on it. Of course that won't stop the ones that just lift the bike into a truck and off they go. An alarm may be the better way to go there.

The guy who sold me my first FJR threw in a disc lock that I never bother using. Seems like locking the forks does the job pretty well, but I hope others address that in this thread.

One thing about the disc lock--make SURE that you put it in such a position on the disc that if you happen to screw up and try to ride off with it still on, it won't get a chance to go around once before it hits the fork, tossing you over the bars. Put it right behind the fork so you'll feel it hit with the first forward motion of the wheel. Or in front of the fork, if you need to start backing up to move. The reminder cord sounds like a good idea too.

I had a Kryptonite that worked just fine for about 2 months then it wouldn't lock/unlock reliably. Fortunately it got to the non-working point when it was off the front wheel. Replaced it with one made by Trimax and so far no problems. Krptonite refunded purchase without a question. Read a number of user comments about the Kryptonite locks describing the same problem I had. Never had a problem with their line of locks for bicycles though, used them for years with no problems at all.

i have a Xena disc lock, a brite yellow one, i've been using it for years. i place it on the disc at the 6 o'clock position. as a reminder, i hang a safety orange Kryptonite coiled cable from the hook under the drivers seat and lock the seat down. if i am away from my bike in an unfamiluar place, it is always on the center stand steering head locked left with the disc lock on the left disc. if someone really wants to take it there's nothing one can do. it gives me a bit more peace of mind knowing the alarm is on it, and maybe it's just enough of a deterent to ill thinking people.


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I got a Xena (XN14 I think) a feww years ago. Heavy sucker. I put it on if I am not parked outside my motel room. If I'm camping and parked by the tent I don't bother. But if I end up in a sketchy area of town in a cheap motel I feel better sleeping. Doesn't stop pros from tossing the bike in a pickup, but that and a cover on the bike help. I got the bright yellow too. After 3+ years it still works reliably. The alarm would wake the dead.

I'm just curious, but don't any of you just pull the bike into your "shady part of town" motel room? If not, why?
