See, Blue Ones Are Faster! Track Results

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Just kidding :D

1/4 miles results are:

60' 1.833

1/4 11.27

mph 120.xx

Not bad for my 4th run ever or ANY bike. I usually race import cars. Should of seen some of the faces of the sportbike guys :D . Most of them were running the 11.5-13.4's

They actually said to me BEFORE I ran it that "he man aint that bike kind of heavy to be out here" My response "We'll see" :D Not one spoke to me AFTER the run.

Now there were some that were running low 10's with their zx12's, gixxer 1's, and busa's so I wasn't the quickest by far.

Next time out I'll leave the bags on :D


stock 05 Fjr

Yami touring screen

audiovox CC

iriver mp3

autocomm sys

so with my "farkles" I may have added 1-2lbs to the bike. I weigh 170lbs.


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very nice .... i bet they were saying haha loook at that load of shit bike what is he crazy comeing here with that thing. go get em

Does anyone else you know have luggage that does the quarter in 11.27?

Well I had a zzr1200 for 3 months.. and It ran a 10.5 without bags.


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Rumor has it that kawaski is coming out with a zzr1300 with a 190 horsepower, way cool.

Nice numbers Tsitalon1. Lower the rear tire pressure some, fold those mirrors back, have about a gallon maybe of fuel and try it again! B)

Come to think about it.. I had a FULL tank of gas :D SHould I try it again with 1/4 tank?

I don't know how much the stock clutch can take. Hey Yamaha doesn't monitor this site right? :D


Come to think about it.. I had a FULL tank of gas :D SHould I try it again with 1/4 tank?
I don't know how much the stock clutch can take. Hey Yamaha doesn't monitor this site right? :D

No we don' they don't!


Nice job!

Try it with 1/4 tank or less, drop that rear tire down to about 28 lbs and make your runs early, better times with cooler temps.

Awesome to do it against the other sportbikes. I took my FJR to the track for a track day and had a blast running among the sportbikes. Every rest stop I would get more and more guys asking questions and wanting to sit on the FJR. Best of all, end of the day I put the bags back on and rode home while the rest of the guys trailered up.

Yeah, I did a track day once with my BMW K1200RS. Rode up in the 'stitch, took my leathers out of the top case (they are perforated and it was a chilly morning), and other gear out of the side bags (tape for the headlight, gatorade, tire gauge, airman, etc) and did most of the track day. I was passing much faster bikes, a lot of 600's got away from me in the corners, but I caught them on the straights and with ABS on tap, I braked much later than most. A lot of people, including me, were very surprised. And that bike weighed more and had less power than the FJR. The only reason my day ended was that going around a tight corner, I dragged my footpeg so hard it ripped off. Leaving me only a stub on the left. I loaded up and went home.


Hey Evil !!!

Glad you tried out your FJR on a trackday.

Now you know that your FJR can be ridden like a sportsbike

and do very well, too.

Alot has to do with the rider, of course. ;)

I try to convince my FJR riding buddies to try to keep

the RPMs in the 6500 - 8000 range when in the twisties

so they can have a taste, but hardly anyone seems

to want to run above the 4000 range.

The FJR deft does not feel like a sportsbike while

running way down there, but crank it up and it

will really roar and it feels alot more nimble.

Glad everyone is having so much fun !!

I do want to point out that it is a sport-touring bike!

It does well at the track as well as the canyons and it's a great bike.

BUT it is not a sportsbike. IF you want a sport bike, buy the R-1.

Any bike can be ridden at the track which is the best place to learn both your limits and your bike's limits.

My 2 cents :agent:


Never said or intended anyone think I said the FJR is a sportsbike.

It's a super sport tourer that can be safely ridden like a sportsbike

if the pilot is capable. THAT was my point....... Jeesh! :blink:

I regularly ride with some R-1 buddies and I am not impressed

with doing wheelies every five minutes then suffering with

a sore arse on the way home from a half day ride.

I've had plenty of sportsbikes, and if I wanted a sportbike, I would

buy back my 996 Duc before I would think of the R-1. Nothing like that

Ialian exotic stuff to really get your blood pumping.

tsitalon1, you would have had to cut a near perfect light to beat my slightly slower time :p Even if you don't win them all you gotta admit that trying is a blast :) At least you are out and doing and not just sitting home talking....



That is really impressive! What were you up against? Looking at the time sheet, Another 50 feet and he would have waxed you

I was lined up against a potential disaster -- a GIXer with extended rear frame arms, a tricked out engine and the rider wearing a well used set of full leathers.

I treed the SOB B) so bad that he blew his composure and didn't recover until the last few feet. By that time I was a WINNER! Later in the evening he ran an 8.8 sec @ 152 mph, WOWZER!!! I have at least 500 miles on my most recent street/race car, 1/4 mile at at time, so I am no stranger to the drags. I simply shocked the stuffings out of a better rider/machine. I find that my 1.6 and 1.7 60' times simply stun the uneducated :lol: Feejer is a mean machine for leaving the line :atv:


Sinply awesome! I gained respect for the FeeJeR at the track also!!

This aint no grandpa bike,or is it? LOL
