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Done! What a great idea! The timing is ironic because tonight I'm going to a party to celebrate the safe return from Iraq of a local kid who served two tours.

tstaff, thanks for the link. Company I work for has a long history of supporting the men and women that defend this country. I have forwarded this link to all our branches worldwide.

I'm catching up a bit late. This is a great link. Anyone who wants to go one step further can send cards/letters (be it Christmas or other) to the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen recovering in the DC area. If you're in the area, feel free to stop in (alone or with friends or family) and visit with these guys. Dozens (if not hundreds) will be there for Christmas, many of them will be alone. If you can't 'stop by' send a card.

A Recovering American Marine or Soldier

c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 Georgia Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20307-5001

Semper Fi,

