Senior Moments

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Active member
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
Sandoval, IL
For all of us who are---seniors---for all of you who know seniors---and for All of you who will be seniors. [/size]

It pays to be able to laugh about it when You are! And, Speaking of Senior Moments:

"WHERE Is My SUNDAY Paper?" The irate customer calling the newspaper office loudly demanded, wanting to know where her Sunday edition was.

"Ma'am," said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday .... The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on Sunday.

"There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a Ray of recognition.... As she was heard to mutter 'Well, shit ... So that's Why no one was at church today."

No joke.

Yesterday I had to run out at lunch time to do some errands. I was riding through the Costco parking lot and this elderly couple drove by in a gold Toyota. The woman was driving, both were wearing those huge eye protector sun glasses, she could barely see above the steering wheel.

So whats the big deal? Both back doors were WIDE OPEN. Nothing in the back, just airing out the car I suppose. People are yelling at them, blaring horns trying to get them to stop. They just waved back like it was a beautiful day.

Then some guy hears the commotion, see's whats happening and steps out in front of them trying to get them to stop. He practically had to leap to safety as she wasn't stopping no way no how!

If I make it to that old and oblivious, I'll do the world a favour and walk out on an ice flow.

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True story. I was at the dentist Monday for a root canal. So I have taken a Vicodin and a Valium just before walking in. They gave me the deadening shots and stuck the gas on me so I am feeling real good. The dentist has both hands in my mouth up to his wrist but I didn't care. I hear the phone ring and the one side of the conversation I can hear goes like this.

Receptionist: Hello, Dr. ???'s office.

(Long pause)

Receptionist: Mam, we don't sell hearing aids.

(Now the dentist and his assistant pull their hands out of my mouth.)

(Another long pause)

Receptionist: (louder) Mam, this is a dentist office, we don't sell hearing aids.

(Dentist, assistant, and me rolling with laughter)

(Another long pause)


Finally the dentist tells the receptionist to just tell her to come on by and he will fix her up. Then to me he says, "She'll never find her way here anyway."

As I was leaving I told the receptionist I needed another appointment. Why, she asked. "I need to get fitted for a hearing aid." She just glared at me and sent me home.



Where would we be without our wonderful seniors. lol My mom, bless her heart is 64 today and I tease her all the time about "seniorhood"
