Sennheiser CX-300 In Ear Headphones

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN

So I did my reading on these headphones a while back, and I went to a store and tested these among a few of the expensive brands and also a few of the $40 ones to compare. The shure brand have a little better sound quality compared to these but the size is much larger. I have encouraged mutiple friends, family, and fellow riders to get these after listening to mine just once. These fit in a helmet with barely any interference. The sound quality is excellent, considering they come from a company that makes headsets for aircraft. I would highly recommend these headphones for any type of use. $69.99 at Circuit City, seen them on sale for $59.99 also. I love these headphones, and I thought I would share my .02. Any fellow riders come across these?


Thanks for the heads up on these. I took the plunge on the Costco Garmin 2730 so I need to check some out. I will have to drop by Curcuit City for a look see. Do you know if the stereo jack that goes in the Garmin will work with these? The Garmin manual is rather vague. Thanks again.

I have not dealt with Garmin to see if it fits. Although it is the same jack as any regular set of headphones. I'm guessing if it works with those it will work with these.

They should fit in the Garmin just fine. I don't have that pair, but the Etymotics have the same connector, and work just fine in a 2730/28xx


So I did my reading on these headphones a while back, and I went to a store and tested these among a few of the expensive brands and also a few of the $40 ones to compare. The shure brand have a little better sound quality compared to these but the size is much larger. I have encouraged mutiple friends, family, and fellow riders to get these after listening to mine just once. These fit in a helmet with barely any interference. The sound quality is excellent, considering they come from a company that makes headsets for aircraft. I would highly recommend these headphones for any type of use. $69.99 at Circuit City, seen them on sale for $59.99 also. I love these headphones, and I thought I would share my .02. Any fellow riders come across these?

Many of us are curious about these kind of headphones. Can you comment on the sound isolation performance? This is kind of a strange question but could you post a picture of what they look like in your ear? Do they stick out very much?


Many of us are curious about these kind of headphones. Can you comment on the sound isolation performance? This is kind of a strange question but could you post a picture of what they look like in your ear? Do they stick out very much?
I most certainly can. The sound isolation performance is excellent. I think the company stated something like 16db, which by itself is half an earplugs sound isolation. Even with no music you still get the reduced road noise. Sound isolation is similar to the other brands out there that offer earplug like pieces. My love of these comes from the sound quality combined with the size. The little plastic part that would normally hang off the bottom of the earbud is rubber instead of plastic, so no discomfort there. Do they stick out? I passed on the picture but I can comfortably mash my hand against my ear w/o discomfort, hows that? Pictures, I know you all wanted to see my beautiful face, so here goes.




On another note, they do come with 3 different size plug thingys for your ear size, I use the middle ones that they put on from the factory.

I could rant and rave some more but I just really enjoy these things.

Notice how these stick out?


Thanks for the pictures. They look very compact. I too was concerned with this type of earbud. I use the orange foam earplugs and even trimmed a bit I can pull them out sliding my helmet on. Looking forward to the mp3 and XM radio this riding season.

Thanks again.
