Ol' FredW, trying to put lipstick on a pig. Superbowl is coming up and the only thing that the network news can find to report on for the Patriots is that they are cheaters and can't win if they don't cheat. We know that the Patriots are cheaters, it has to be true and there is nothing else about them that is even worth reporting.
The Patriots now even cheapened the Superbowl. The NFL needs to do the right thing and force the Patriots to be sold to someone that can run the team fairly like the other 31 teams that never have cheated or used any angle to their benefit. Except for when they wait for an important event to suddenly decide to dime out the Patriots. Let's not lose sight of the scale of the transgressions the Patriots have committed, sweeping the field of snow for a kick try, just like they drew it up in the game plan; using film in a game to steal the other teams signals; under inflating the balls which caused the Colts to be unable to score. Yup, make the dirt balls sell the team to someone honest.