SFO 09 Announcement

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Sorry I've been a bit absent lately, I moved out of my home this past weekend and was pretty swamped with the packingof it for all of March. I'm still unpacking and getting set up at the new place but I hope to pretty much finish that up tonight. I should be ready to take the payments for food by the end of the weekend. The menu has already been decided and I think you'll like it!
I'm also very excited to say that we have some really killer prizes this year as we have spoke to a few companies that I don't think have been approached before! And the rally packs are gonna be pretty sweet too! It's all comin together folks, hope your getting excited!!
Moving!! Yikes!! I don't miss doing that!

Glad you're back. Now we can get to it!

Where and when do I send my Money??

Don't want to miss any meals!!!!!!! :yahoo:

I guess i should officially say...

[SIZE=18pt]I am coming to SFO![/SIZE] :yahoo:

See Yall there!

Oh, Michelle... In the registry for the event, It shows Springfield,MS instead of MO! :p

I guess i should officially say...

[SIZE=18pt]I am coming to SFO![/SIZE] :yahoo:

See Yall there!

Oh, Michelle... In the registry for the event, It shows Springfield,MS instead of MO! :p
Well its about time you showed up to the SFO again, whats it been now 2-3 years? :clapping:

Look forward to seeing ya there.

I'm guessing you'll be joining us for the Push Mountain ride Friday morning?


I guess i should officially say...

[SIZE=18pt]I am coming to SFO![/SIZE] :yahoo:

See Yall there!

Oh, Michelle... In the registry for the event, It shows Springfield,MS instead of MO! :p
dang it, i keep doing that. thanks for noticing.

I guess i should officially say...

[SIZE=18pt]I am coming to SFO![/SIZE] :yahoo:

See Yall there!

Oh, Michelle... In the registry for the event, It shows Springfield,MS instead of MO! :p
Well its about time you showed up to the SFO again, whats it been now 2-3 years? :clapping:

Look forward to seeing ya there.

I'm guessing you'll be joining us for the Push Mountain ride Friday morning?

We shall see! ;)

I have not decided if i am going to make SFO a day trip or get a room... I wont know until closer to the event.

Push Mountain... :)

I have not done that in a while! :D

I am still not sure I can get off work that weekend. I have never been to one of these. What kind of events/games/rides/etc. should I expect?

I am still not sure I can get off work that weekend. I have never been to one of these. What kind of events/games/rides/etc. should I expect?
You can expect one helluva good time! Basically, you come the rally, meet other owners who want to ride the same roads you do, then you go out and do that for the day. Come back for dinner, which will consist of some very excellent food, drinks and general tire-kicking in the parking lots afterward. Then we get up the next day and do it again! There's a group pic on Saturday night at 5 and then we have the banquet and give away all the prizes after that. Sunday is when most folks head home but some out-of-staters usually hang around and stay longer. No games at this rally and the rides are very informal and casual with the utmost emphasis on safety. There is a thread with some suggestions for routes but the Rally does not sponsor any specific ride for legal reasons. If you haven't checked out the website for the details, please do! Hope that covers your questions Jug. You have until the 24th to register and pay for your meals, if you can still get a room by then, which isn't likely. We're down to 7 or 8 left right now.

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I am still not sure I can get off work that weekend. I have never been to one of these. What kind of events/games/rides/etc. should I expect?
You and I are in the same situation...

We are not far from each other... Let meet for lunch sometime. :)

You have until the 24th to register and pay for your meals, if you can still get a room by then, which isn't likely. We're down to 7 or 8 left right now.
Or 8 or 9, as I'm out. Too many things going on that weekend. Have a good one!

You have until the 24th to register and pay for your meals, if you can still get a room by then, which isn't likely. We're down to 7 or 8 left right now.
Or 8 or 9, as I'm out. Too many things going on that weekend. Have a good one!
Sorry to hear. Thanks for letting me know sooner than later!

Folks, there is [SIZE=18pt]1 room left at the hotel[/SIZE], unless your willing to go with the Jacuzzi suite! If you want it, you better call now! Then we are sold-out!!! :clapping:

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You have until the 24th to register and pay for your meals

Did I miss the part about paying? Hmm...

I am registered, but it never asked me to pay. Bounce, must be spreading his new wealth and paid for me. :clapping:
There is no fee for registration here, which is why you weren't asked for any payment. You do need to chose your entees and pay for them though and there is a separate pinned thread explaining all that now.

There is no fee for registration here, which is why you weren't asked for any payment. You do need to chose your entees and pay for them though and there is a separate pinned thread explaining all that now.
Oh, I guess I should go search for it :)
Yep...using your eyes, brain, and fingers all in conjunction with each other is helpful skill in life. :)

...or you could hire a coupla russians to knock the crap outta people till they give you the answer. B)

Yep...using your eyes, brain, and fingers all in conjunction with each other is helpful skill in life. :)
...or you could hire a coupla russians to knock the crap outta people till they give you the answer. B)
hmm, touch choices. I will go for 2 while I read the rest of these mess :)

Folks, there is [SIZE=18pt]1 room left at the hotel[/SIZE], unless your willing to go with the Jacuzzi suite! If you want it, you better call now! Then we are sold-out!!! :clapping:
I took the last room in the hotel this morning.

Looking forwar to seeing everyone again!

Michelle, thanks for all of your hard work in organizing SFO.


Folks, there is [SIZE=18pt]1 room left at the hotel[/SIZE], unless your willing to go with the Jacuzzi suite! If you want it, you better call now! Then we are sold-out!!! :clapping:
I took the last room in the hotel this morning.

Looking forwar to seeing everyone again!

Michelle, thanks for all of your hard work in organizing SFO.

good gawd, how many Mikes are going to SFO; at least 6

the neighbor is goin' to hell :rolleyes:

wait, odot is coming, I may reconsider my attending :D


Mike in Nawlins'

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Folks, there is [SIZE=18pt]1 room left at the hotel[/SIZE], unless your willing to go with the Jacuzzi suite! If you want it, you better call now! Then we are sold-out!!! :clapping:
I took the last room in the hotel this morning.

Looking forwar to seeing everyone again!

Michelle, thanks for all of your hard work in organizing SFO.

Your welcome, we've had some cancellations so I'm sure there's prolly more than one left now. Please send in your registration and food order asap! Your meals need to be paid for by Friday and I need your registration tonight cause the packages are being shipped to ES tomorrow! See the website for all the details - pretty much the same as last year.

Folks, there is [SIZE=18pt]1 room left at the hotel[/SIZE], unless your willing to go with the Jacuzzi suite! If you want it, you better call now! Then we are sold-out!!! :clapping:
I took the last room in the hotel this morning.

Looking forwar to seeing everyone again!

Michelle, thanks for all of your hard work in organizing SFO.


Hey Mike,

When are you heading out? Me and a buddy are rolling out of ICT sometime Thursday morning, depending on how much alcohol is consumed on Wednesday.
