SFO 2008 Returned Home Safely--Check In

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Little Rock, AR
Michelle and I thought this would be a good idea so we would know you made it home safely.

Had a great time at SFO. It was good to see old friends and make new ones.

Made it home and missed the rain. Can't thank WAMBOW enough for being my wingman today.

Please post up so we know you made it home.

Thank you for taking the time and I can't wait for next year.

This was a great gathering with an outstanding group of people...even if Odot was there..... :D :lol:

Many thanks to Michelle for organizing this event.

Thanks to all our Sponsors.

Made it home safe and sound.

Only a few sprinkles of rain, sunshine when I got home.

Made some great friends!!!! I don't think I've ever met a friendlier group of people on my life.

Who's this odot person? OH YEAH, he's the one with the gay fingerless gloves. HAHAHAHA

All of you treated me like you had known me all my life.

Thanks again.


safe and sound .. 145 miles of cool temps with no rain..

thanks for the event and i'll be back to do this again soetime

Home at 14:45. First two hours in rain. It wasn't a downpour but enough to make it interesting. Then really gusty winds.

Thankfully I got through KC before the start and finish of the IndyCar race at the speedway. Although there were a LOT of LEOs sitting along the road :eek:

Home by 1500 with no rain. Had a great time. Thanks Michelle for a great gathering

and the sponsors for their generosity.

Great Time and looking forward to the next one.

Renee and Al <HEBER GUY>

DBX aka Jeff Delzer just called and is at home recuperating.

Michelle and I thought this would be a good idea so we would know you made it home safely.
Had a great time at SFO. It was good to see old friends and make new ones.

Made it home and missed the rain. Can't thank WAMBOW enough for being my wingman today.

Please post up so we know you made it home.

Thank you for taking the time and I can't wait for next year.

This was a great gathering with an outstanding group of people...even if Odot was there..... :D :lol:

Many thanks to Michelle for organizing this event.

Thanks to all our Sponsors.
We made it home ok. Got colder in Oklahoma, but got warmer as we got closer to Texas. Sprinkled on a little.

Hey Reg, you still havent' rode that thing in the rain? Ha!

Made it home safely and had a great time.

Thanks goes to Michelle and everybody that helped with the event.

Made it back to Iowa OK. Rain, cold, & wind until north of KC. Sunshine, cold, & wind after that. It was a wonderful ride! Thanks, Michelle for hosting such a fine event!

I'm home from my 2nd SFO gathering. I must say that I was very surprised at the number of folks that showed up, and the number of miles travelled to get there. Even more, I am greatly impressed at the quality of people who choose to be members of SFO. You gals and guys taught me so much, both on the roads, and at the meal tables. It is an honor to be included among you . . . even you, Bearly Flying. (Eh?)


Back at 5pm. Few sprinkles but no big deal. I had a great time and plan to make it next year if possible. I want to run 125 again!

We made it home fine. Had a great time, thanks to all for a great rally. Saturday was the best single day of Motorcycle riding I have ever done.


451.6 miles of forecast rain...hardly a drop, home safe and sound with many happy new memories.

Michelle thank you so much for your time, efforts, organization, planning, banquets, deals, marketing skills, patience, cajoling when needed and smiles. Everyone owes their good times to you in putting this all together. Please PM me with your e-mail so I can start sending you some photos.

Tony, your generosity, route planning, assistance to everyone that needed E.C.U. changes and tires to kickstand plates, website to send moneys to, assisting those with wrecked bikes, collecting them and transporting them to end destinations was/is phenomenal, your a prince among men and all around good guy, you don't know how much we all appreciate you.

Tracy and Kay, congratulations again on the engagement, photos will be coming your way.

Al and Renee, thank you again for being instructors in road and riding skills, team leaders, benefactors, Mac instructor, and just wonderful people to be around. Glad Nick didn't get hassled by the local gendarmes.

Jeff, thanks for being a great ride partner, but no more get off's!!! Sorry I never got a chance to talk to you as Al sent me ahead to slow all on coming traffic and as my drill instructor father taught me...stay till relieved...so I did just that. Hope you mend quickly and we see you at the next gathering.

As Bob Hope always signed off with "Thanks for the memories!"


Michelle and I thought this would be a good idea so we would know you made it home safely.
Had a great time at SFO. It was good to see old friends and make new ones.

Made it home and missed the rain. Can't thank WAMBOW enough for being my wingman today.

Please post up so we know you made it home.

Thank you for taking the time and I can't wait for next year.

This was a great gathering with an outstanding group of people...even if Odot was there..... :D :lol:

Many thanks to Michelle for organizing this event.

Thanks to all our Sponsors.
Arrived home safe and sound. A little over 12 hrs in the saddle and 571 miles behind me. 1407 miles total for the weekend. Raclow I started getting into light rain south of Pine Bluff. But I really got into the heavy rain west of Jackson,Ms. Rode about 2 hrs after dark in that crap. Boy that sucks. Thanks Raclow for the offer to stay at your place and head on in tomorrow,but everything went well, and thanks to Mike and Scott for allowing me to be their tail gunner yesterday. Them there Texas boys can ride them FJRers. Had a great time. Thanks to Michelle,Tony and all my new FJR friends. Had a great weekend.
