SFO 2008 Returned Home Safely--Check In

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Lee and I arrived back home safely...just a little wet and a lot cold. It was great to participate in the event in many ways. Thanx for having us and we look forward to the next event and continuing the relationships we made.

Ride safe,


Back home safely around 3:30pm. Only a little rain near Malvern, AR. One year is too long to wait for the next gathering!

GUNNY on the one year.

Twenty two is not enough posts to know everyone has made it safely home.

Come on people POST UP.

Yeah, got home about 4 yesterday. Only a couple sprinkles on the way but, damn was that wind something!

Thanks to Michelle and Tony for all the hard work.

Great time had and many new friends made. Looking much forward to next year.

Now, working up plans to get to EOM in September.

Home safe and sound after 6 hours and 35 minutes. It was a very enjoyable week............... thank you everybody.

1448 miles for this trip. Beat the last one by 300 miles.............



Yeah, a ground hog ripped it off and ran down the road with it during one of our SFO stops.............crazy locals.


I'm home now too. 7 hours, 433 miles today. 1109 total for the trip.

edit - typo, that shoulda been 8 hours.

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Home today after 2500 miles total for the event. The road from Little Rock to Memphis and on to Tupelo for the night was very difficult with very hard rain and water standing in the interstate around Memphis. The 420 miles home today were good with cloudy skies and no rain. Good to meet some new Friends from TX, OK, & AR.

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The FIL (Father in Law) and I made it back in last night after riding some fantastic roads (Pig Trail, Mena Ar, Wilhemmena National Forest, etc...) back down to Texas. Got pissed on for about 2 hours, but then it cleared up.

The best part was the ridge line (20 miles worth) that we rode where the clouds were coming over the top of the ridge and blowing over, under, and around us. It truly felt as though we were flying! It was surrealistic.

EVERYONE - thanks for everything! What a fantastic collection of people. I am honored to be in the company of some great human beings. SFO was marvelous.

Special thanks to Tony for all he did! My business will definately be heading his way in the future. Thanks Michelle for all your planning, organizing and hard work. You put together a top notch gathering.

Reggie, thanks for leading such a great ride...you Sir, are Da Man! Big Cedar Lodge thanks you as well ;)

Ray, appreciate you being you! You always add a fresh perspective on things. (Btw...do you have any fingerless gloves for sale? Don was looking to buy some). :ph34r:

Phil, my father in law sure enjoyed getting to know you (as well did I!).

Bryan as usual, you are a good friend to be with and sure enjoyed your company!

Don, it was awesome to finally meet you. And, don't forget what I told you before I left!

<SALUTE> to all. Some lifetime memories formed that I will never forget...at least until I get altzheimers. Btw...there was some discussion at our table of forming an FJR Commune somewhere...with very little polygamy allowed.

Looking forward to next year,


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OK, Folks. This isn't everyone.

Don't make me start calling your mothers to find you.

Post up and let us know you made it home.


PS: For those without Mothers, sorry. You know what I mean.

OK, Folks. This isn't everyone.
Don't make me start calling your mothers to find you.

Post up and let us know you made it home.


PS: For those without Mothers, sorry. You know what I mean.

I'll post up so this will be more comprehensive. I got home at about 10 am Sunday morning.


Made it home safe and dry. Great event!! Time well spent!! Looking forward to next year, but hope to see a lot of you before then.

I made it home on Sunday, catching a ride with my wife. Yes, I have a wife!

Great gathering as usual, but special thanks to the good folks I was riding with on Saturday, (Al, Renee, Scott, Vandy & Sing, and Keith), when I did a little off-bike sightseeing. I couldn't have been in better hands, including Tony, who took a load off my mind by taking care of my bike.

Thanks to Michelle for organizing another outstanding event, Tony for the sponsorship, ride leadership, and all around good guy stuff, and all the rest of the folks for making this thing as awesome as it was.

As for me, I'll be fine. The latest diagnosis is a triple fracture of the pelvis, along with the usual bumps and bruises. That pelvis thing comes with a certain amount of 'discomfort', and like fractured ribs, you just gotta wait it out.

I made it home on Sunday, catching a ride with my wife. Yes, I have a wife!
Great gathering as usual, but special thanks to the good folks I was riding with on Saturday, (Al, Renee, Scott, Vandy & Sing, and Keith), when I did a little off-bike sightseeing. I couldn't have been in better hands, including Tony, who took a load off my mind by taking care of my bike.

Thanks to Michelle for organizing another outstanding event, Tony for the sponsorship, ride leadership, and all around good guy stuff, and all the rest of the folks for making this thing as awesome as it was.

As for me, I'll be fine. The latest diagnosis is a triple fracture of the pelvis, along with the usual bumps and bruises. That pelvis thing comes with a certain amount of 'discomfort', and like fractured ribs, you just gotta wait it out.
Dang Jeff!! We had heard there were no broken bones! shoot dude! well just enjoy the drugs and take it easy and heal up quickly.

so which year model are you thinking of going to next? 08? 09? do tell!

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