Shinko Raven update

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Active member
Oct 20, 2005
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Lake Helen, FL
Just got back from the Smokies. Because of bad weather being forcast, the wife and I decided to trailer the bikes rather than ride 1100 miles in the rain. The mountains were socked in with rain and thick fog for four days. We rode in it just the same. Managed to put 500+ miles on the Shinkos. With 41/41 psi, handling was sure and confidence building. Even two up and in the wet (the wife didn't want to ride in the cold and wet) the tires handled beautifully. At this point I'm pleased with them. Now to see how long they will last.



I am heading that way this weekend!!! Going over to the GAP, and the Cherahola! Maybe the Weather will clear for the FJ rally in Boone, NC


I've got over 1000 miles on my rear Shinko Raven, and am very pleased with the tire so far. Still have a meaty Avon on the front, so running a mixed set. No handling problems noted with this arrangement. Ran up and down Palomar Mt. rather aggressively the other Sunday, happy to say no chicken strips remaining on rear tire :D

I can't even tell they are wearing to this point. I don't even see any signs of getting a flat spot in the middle of the tire like you do with the Avons or others, and I'm looking for sign of that. Grip is excellent, tire was maked with light spot, took minimal weight to balance. I'll post to this thread every thousand miles to keep you updated. I tried to get more information from another forum member when he rand the Shinko's last year, but he never did tell me how many miles he got out of a rear raven.

By the time WFO rolls around in Reno, I'll have a good 4000+ miles on the rear and will have a good idea of how long it will last. Ride 1 up , +/- 41psi F/R, got 10000 miles out of each of the last 2 rear Avons.


I am heading that way this weekend!!! Going over to the GAP, and the Cherahola! Maybe the Weather will clear for the FJ rally in Boone, NC


Please note about the gap this weekend

From another list.


Highway Patrol conducting Operation Dragon

Graham Sentinel Newspaper - May 3, 2006

Graham County , North Carolina

The North Carolina Highway Patrol will conduct "Operation Dragon 2006" in an

attempt to reduce speed related collisions on Western North Carolina

involving motorcycles. Speed remains the leading cause of traffic collisions

and fatalities in the state and motorcycle colliYsions in the five most

Western North Carolina counties have increased 56 percent from 2004.

Locations in this area of North Carolina and in borYdering Tennessee have

become some of the leading motorcycle, destinations in America . "Operation

Dragon 2006" is a joint initiative with North Carolina and Tennessee Highway

Patrol that addresses these concerns.

The campaign will be conducted on Saturday, 13 May 2006 . During this

period, Troopers from both states will create a _ highly visible presence

aimed at targeting speeding, along with all other state violations and


Troopers will be assigned to work Deals Gap (US-129) and the Cherohala

Skyway area (NC-143) where we have experienced numerous probYlems with the

reckless operation of high performance motorcycles. Troopers have been

instructed to aggressiveYly enforce the speed limit laws in addition to

other violations such as tailgating, improper lane changes, and other

traffic law violations to ensure the safety of motorists on our highways and

to reduce colliYsions.

The Highway Patrol will utilize special marked, unmarked vehicles,

motorcycles and aircraft to combat speeding in these areas.

Thought some might like to know if case they are doing a weekend run to The


With just a thousand miles you wouldn't be able to tell how much wear. Just like they seem to wear forever then the last of the tread goes much faster then gone. so far no better average milage than the Avon.

With just a thousand miles you wouldn't be able to tell how much wear. Just like they seem to wear forever then the last of the tread goes much faster then gone. so far no better average milage than the Avon.
Part of that is do to heat build up...early tire life has more area to spread/dissepate the heat build up. The farther you wear down the tread the less area the heat has to migrate to causing greater heat cycles and quicker wear. But thats just my .02 :rolleyes: take it for what its worth

2000 mile update on my rear Shinko Raven tire. This thing is so far every bit as good as the Avon's have been for me the past 20000 miles (2 sets). Having said that, you should be warned that I ride in So CA, and I haven't needed to test the performance in the rain, so anything I say is based on DRY conditionsl only.

Even at 2000 miles, there is no real flattening in the center. using a tread depth gage, I can't even say that there is a 1/32" difference in the depth of a groove in the center of the tire, and the depth of that SAME groove around the outer portion of the tire about 30 degrees off center.

Stick? Good enough for me. Took another run up and down Palomar Mtn. Thursday after work without the hard bags, it's an edge to edge ride that removed all signs of chicken strips on the rear. That's the second trip up there on these tires, and I noticed no handling issues. They seem to hold air pressures well as my weekly checks show little or no loss of air. I'll have a 3000 and probably a 4000 mile update before Reno at the end of July.

