I've seen these bags up-close-and-personal, and I can honestly say that they look much nicer in the pictures. There are better bags out there for less money.
James- Pictured is the Eclipse version of the Yamaha expandable bag. Appears to be the same unit with different badging. I was looking for something that was low profile so I could see my GPS and instruments easily. It also carries it's magnets in the base of the bag instead of putting them inside "wings" that drape down either side of the gas tank.
I just ordered one, should be in any day now, when I get it I'll let you know how I like it.
Hey Jack, I'm gonna hi-jack this thread and ask how well that XD works with the FJR. I like the idea of having the massive dual-sport viewport, but I'm real curious to know how it does at the kind of speeds an FJR can cruise at.-snipped pic w/ an Arai XD sitting on an FJR-
+1 for SW-Motech! When I wanted to order one of their bags (Vina model) , they didn't have a mounting ring that fit my Trophy. Within an hour of my inquiry, I had a phone call from one of the customer service guys asking for measurments of the gas ring, asked me to take a pic, etc. I sent them all the details and the next day they found a similar sized ring (from another bike model) that would fit my bike. I was very impressed and love the bag as there are no magnets to worry about scratching the tank. Great experience!Haven't any photos to share just now, but really like my SWMotech/BagsConnection [City model] bag quite well, a couple of their other models should fit the FJR well also, ...love the mounting system! See them at Twisted Throttle dot com, [also good folks to trade with as it happens].
PM sent.Hey Jack, I'm gonna hi-jack this thread and ask how well that XD works with the FJR. I like the idea of having the massive dual-sport viewport, but I'm real curious to know how it does at the kind of speeds an FJR can cruise at.-snipped pic w/ an Arai XD sitting on an FJR-
Haven't any photos to share just now, but really like my SWMotech/BagsConnection [City model] bag quite well, a couple of their other models should fit the FJR well also, ...love the mounting system! See them at Twisted Throttle dot com, [also good folks to trade with as it happens].
James,sgoat, what do you think about that one? I need something I can carry around, just something to put wallet, keys etc in while traveling so I can take it with me when I leave the bike.
Thanks for all the replies from everyone else, some of those bags are huge! I have a big expandable Famsa (click) for my Strom but want to get away from giant tank bags. I've got more than enough room in the side cases and (soon to be added) Shad V46.
Thanks for the pics too guys, helps a lot.
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