Side stand resting plate

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I use the center stand almost all the time, and I have a crushed can in the glove box.

The center stand is only helpful if you have a spot that is level enough to allow both feet to touch pretty evenly. and both sides need to be on something solid. The center stand will sink into a lawn, and sometimes one side will sink deeper than the other.

I lived in an apartment complex years ago, lots of young (inexperienced) motorcycle riders. The parking lot was all blacktop. As I would drive through, on my way home from work, the first hot day of summer alway resulted in the same display of motorcycles laying on their sides and sometimes leaning against the nearest car. What did these bikes have in common... they were all on their center stands in the morning. I really don't recall ever seeing a 'side stand' bike actually down in the lot, just leaning way over. I did see one guy whose center stand sunk down evenly on both sides. It took his room mate and two other guys to restle it out of the pavement. :(

Living in NW Indiana I can usually just kick up the nearest section of grass or reach down to the curb and pick up a can to crush. No need to go through the trash! :blink: Of course I don't have sand to contend with, so for the few minutes of scavenging, the bike will remain upright.

I stuck my garage door opener to the underside of the glovebox lid.Don't think anything bigger than a stick of gum will fit in there now.

But I definitely like the carbon fiber idea. I'll have to scrounge around and find some.

They make mini pocket and keyring openers thaat are very small and take up literally no room.

No pictures....if you want to see one or more you'll have to look me up at WFO.... I'll probabley bring a bunch....otherwise I will post picture when I return :p

I just use the bright orange plastic 'foot' the nice Harley dealer gave me at a car show. I guess I could paint it to match Miss Blue, but there is something satisfying about seeing the Harley emblem under the sidestand :lol:

Money for this, dig in the trash for that...

One member here has the ultimate, NO EXTRA CHARGE, solution to end all solutions!

He uses his toes.


You can get these...


in many variations.


That's what I've got... only I didn't get the tethered one... figuring I could drill a hole and tie a string on it myself. :rolleyes:

Got some scrap 1/16" steel from the garage, cut a piece 3" x 5", folded a corner back at 45 deg, drilled a hole in that corner and threaded through a 1" key ring.

Very fashionable :exhappysmiley:
