Sighting: MORON on January 21 1:30 pm I-40W RTP NC - Cerrulean Silver

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I generally pass the left lane hogs on the left after crossing the buzz strip. Switched over to the Feej to stop doing things like that but it didn;t help..

hmmm. So putting a bike down while trying to avoid being punted into the ditch by a cager is in the same category as this? That's interesting. I may ride aggressive by some opinions - and actually, is there anyone on this thread who has actually ridden with me? - yup, da Geek - aggressive but never between cars (illegal on the entire EAST coast - actually, everywhere except Kalifornia, right?) or on the shoulder (unless pushed there by a CAGER changing into my lane) or around on an on/off ramp.

Did passerby's assume my wadded up bike the result of wheelies and stoppies? Probably. Maybe they should have taken the time to get the story straight and help find the jackwad that nearly killed me.

Ya got me on the FJR paperwieght x2 title. When I trash one, it's done-sir-done.

I've seen riders like the one described by the OP - in and out of in between traffic on a GSXRCBRZXwhatever in a tshirt and jeans. They are idiots just like this example.

One genius adding fuel to fire for motorists to hate "those idiot bikers". Thank yous to him...
Oh! And like your latest shenanigans didn't add some ROCKET FUEL to the fire?????? Freaking jarhead.


No Shit Sherlock, nice try Wayne!
Gosh Wayne what aboot our day together? I feel so neglected now that Andy gets all the attention.

Going in I expected to at least find it hard to keep up with a kid like you let alone look good trying.

All I have to say is not only was ya respectful of an older gent...(Bungie) I bet Andy could have kicked yer respectful ass..

No Wayne, you didn't ride to excess though I'm sure you're plenty capable..

I've ridden with several who rode well beyond what they were capable of.

Pretty sure this is all in jest bud.

I'm still stuck on the guy being on the I-40. Aren't we just suppose to ride on twisty back roads. 120,000 km and I don't think I've been on an interstate yet. Maybe that's why it sometimes takes me hours to get home for supper.

As for riding like a squid. I'm embarrassed to say that during my last run through the Dragon last Sept, I rode up to my friends at the store and said we should probably just leave, because I just pasted one pile of bikes. I was questioning whether that was acceptable on the Dragon.

As for riding like a squid. I'm embarrassed to say that during my last run through the Dragon last Sept, I rode up to my friends at the store and said we should probably just leave, because I just pasted one pile of bikes. I was questioning whether that was acceptable on the Dragon.
On the Dragon, or any other twisty road, most considerate slower riders will slide over and let you past. "considerate" riders are usually pretty scarce on US129 unless you're there during the week. Being stuck behind a 5 mph pirate parade on the Dragon will make you want to suck start a 9mm. I'd say you were ok, but not except from the stern look of a "true" biker gang - you know, the type that frequent that area around the Dragon... Best to avoid that road on the weekend, or run it at 7am, or midnight.

...that I found myself performing maneuvers to separate myself from the mob of tailgating, cellphone yacking, left lane blocking...idjuts. Those maneuvers may have, if witnessed by other FJR riders, been considered asshatish.
So, I see you've been on I-40 around RTP/Raleigh. Me too. Those people are the biggest cell phone yakking, inattentive, lane drifting asshats in the state. Asheville and Charlotte are minor annoyances compared to them. I would pass them on the right too if the dickwads would keep all 4 tires in the same lane but they're like squirrels darting this way and that with no clue which direction is which. And fast? Yeah, if yer not doin' 85 some soccer mom is up yer ass in a minivan, bitchin' at mommy on the phone while she's pushing yer dead ass down the road. Rumor has it I may have gone right down the white dotted between the left lane squatters and their right lane victims once or twice, but that's only a rumor.

About once a year I ride I-40 from Greensboro to Wilmington just for the hell of it. Usually about July when I'm feeling suicidal. Then I get a Reuben somewhere and life is good again.

So, I see you've been on I-40 around RTP/Raleigh. Me too. Those people are the biggest cell phone yakking, inattentive, lane drifting asshats in the state.
Might have an explanation there. Three quarters of them probably migrated down from up my way. We have a long, proud history of breeding them.

(You've heard how they named Cary haven't you?)

Cary- good one! I'm originally from up your way, from the area IMO that rates among the most angry and aggressive drivers in the country: north Jersey. I got out in '77 and haven't missed it a bit.

...that I found myself performing maneuvers to separate myself from the mob of tailgating, cellphone yacking, left lane blocking...idjuts. Those maneuvers may have, if witnessed by other FJR riders, been considered asshatish.
So, I see you've been on I-40 around RTP/Raleigh. Me too. Those people are the biggest cell phone yakking, inattentive, lane drifting asshats in the state. Asheville and Charlotte are minor annoyances compared to them. I would pass them on the right too if the dickwads would keep all 4 tires in the same lane but they're like squirrels darting this way and that with no clue which direction is which. And fast? Yeah, if yer not doin' 85 some soccer mom is up yer ass in a minivan, bitchin' at mommy on the phone while she's pushing yer dead ass down the road. Rumor has it I may have gone right down the white dotted between the left lane squatters and their right lane victims once or twice, but that's only a rumor.

About once a year I ride I-40 from Greensboro to Wilmington just for the hell of it. Usually about July when I'm feeling suicidal. Then I get a Reuben somewhere and life is good again.
I ride I-40 from Greenville Nc to Greensboro almost 2 to 3 times a month and I here you all the way I feel like running the speed limit is a death sentence especially through the raleigh area so I usually ride pretty aggressivaly so some business man in his beemer does not run my but over or off the road.
