Since we're hypothisizing impossible questions

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
The airplane/treadmill thing got me reflecting on many of my science and math classes and some of the questions asked, and I remembered this one. The mathematical answer differs from others.

Is physical movement actually possible?

The instinct is to immediately say, of course. But, think about it mathematically. We know from our math classes that in order to get from point A to point B, you have to cross midpoint C. To get from point A to midpoint C, you must cross midpoint D, etc.

Well, if every time you go from one point to another, you must cross a midpoint, how can you ever bridge that gap between the originating point to the next midpoint that's always between two points? So, mathematically, based on what we've all been taught, movement isn't possible.

What? Can you put that in plain English for those of us that are a little slow? :blink:

When do we start hurling insults and all that other fun stuff?.....the quarter point or halfway?

the answer is explained thus:

If you put all the boys on one side of the room, and all the girls on the other side of the room,

and then every minute have the boys move towards the girls HALF the distance that is left,

the boys never actually get to the girls , BUT they get close enough for practical purposes!

If your paddling up a tree in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon?

Hmmm! Interesting question.

I'd probably create a wormhole, zip thru the warp in the space-time continuum and arrive at point B...thus, effectively bypassing the mid-point altogether.

I'm also hoping I can now exit this Mobius Strip...hoping...hoping...

I ride through Paradox a couple of times a year and am always beside myself.

I and others are returning to Aether Theory of physics. It answers the conundrums created by Einstein.

