I have carbon fiber series Leo Vinces. About half the weight as the stock units. I installed them at the same time as the Power Commander. Much improved throttle and response.
I very much liked the sound when I got them, but that was almost 40K ago. Recently they started to get lauder and louder-then very loud. It became annoying, but sort of fun, for a while. After a visit to San Francisco, and the fun of riding with blown out pipes in the town, echoing between the buildings, it was time to deal with it. These pipes now come with a removable quiet baffle, but did not when I got mine. A little research, a phone call to Leo Vince, and I got a set. In my case the retro fit required drilling a small hole, for the 5 mm screw that holds them in place... But that is not the fun part.
The nice man at Leo Vince informed me that they recommend repacking them every 15K or 20K! and that I definitely needed to do it. Well, I haven't done that job in over 20 years, but didn't remember it as a difficult thing. Since the factory repack kit was very pricy, I found some nice bulk pack steel wool (To wrap the core) and after market glass mat for the final wrap. Taking the cans off is a ten minute deal, but drilling out the rivets takes a nice new bit and some effort. Still easy.
The internet is loaded with instructions, and the Leo website has instructions as well... but none of them even suggest the volume of soot that you will encounter! Now I know how a chimney sweep feels!
The whole job, removal, disassembly, clean out, repack, re-assembly (Requires a pop rivet tool), and re-install took about 1.5 hrs, and one beer (Faster next time). The clean up of soot from the garage went on for about 2 days! If you do this, and it is fun, consider serious containment, wear clothes you do not care about and get yourself serious rubber gloves! Or, do this much more often like they recommend-or both. This job has really serious and recognizable results. Start with ridiculously loud pipes, finish with mellow, lovely sounding pipes. satisfying, and really, really makes the neighbors happy.
The freshly packed cans were as new, a pretty nice, medium sound. With my now installed quiet baffles, only a bit louder, but much nicer than stock. Frankly, I like them quieter, much less intrusive when riding. I used to like the growl, now I like the quiet.
Now that I know the routine, and have spent way to much time researching packing materials, I look forward to doing it again.