Smokin on the FJR

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William England

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
Reaction score
United States
Ok - I searched and cannot find a post about this.

With the stock or aftermarket windscreen, can you smoke a cigarette at speed on the FJR?

Used to be able to on the ST1100 with the XL Clearview screen.



I can imagine a lot of criteria to consider when choosing a motorcycle, but I never thought about one of them being the ability to smoke.

If it's too breezy, maybe try Nicoderm, Chantix, or gum?

Hard to fit past the chin bar of a decent FF helmet.

I have smoked an occasional cigar on both it and all 3 gold wings using a modular helmet. However the FJR doesn't give the proper vortext to float an ash right in front of you in mid air like a Wing can.

I can smoke on the bike, But its a bitch to get it lit

You need to reach out to Radman. IIRC he smoked for most of his fjr years. Been away lately, but I think he lurks.

I don't smoke but I have a V-Stream windscreen and the pocket of still air it creates when raised seems quiet enough that you could if you had a mind to. but only at speeds below about 98. ;-)

Bong hits are possible if the product is not too green, of course school zones excluded and 215 card must be possesion. I guess the latest research on this technology application is now being done in the Pacific North West, They were to post the results, but all headed out to quell the munchies with pizza and beer.


Ok - I searched and cannot find a post about this.
With the stock or aftermarket windscreen, can you smoke a cigarette at speed on the FJR?

Used to be able to on the ST1100 with the XL Clearview screen.


You sure can Will. I smoked all the time on mine till I quit smoking 8 months ago

I had a lighter on an aux. box with my BMW plugs for heated gear.

hehe...yes you certainly can and thats why i bought a C3......I also bought one of these and you can light a smoke at 80mph with it.


Well, officer, I had a cigarette going, and a little wind gust got me from the side, and this ash got in my eye, and ...

It's not a matter of IF. Even the best windscreen (my Cee Baileys +4 reverse contour is one of them) won't prevent the occasional wind gust from the side. We're not riding in a cage, and it is going to happen. If you do this, PLEASE wear quality eye protection, always.


darksider #44

Oh this thread iz fulla win!


Bong hits are possible if the product is not too green, of course school zones excluded and 215 card must be possesion. I guess the latest research on this technology application is now being done in the Pacific North West, They were to post the results, but all headed out to quell the munchies with pizza and beer.

Figures the guy from Eureka would know.

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Oh this thread iz fulla win!

Bong hits are possible if the product is not too green, of course school zones excluded and 215 card must be possesion. I guess the latest research on this technology application is now being done in the Pacific North West, They were to post the results, but all headed out to quell the munchies with pizza and beer.

Figures the guy from Eureka would know.

There goes my breakfast.

Thanks - and yep, I smoke on the bike. Handy when you're an addict and running hours on end nonstop. Also a good tip on how the air pocket is; if it's still enough to smoke, it's got great wind protection.

HOOKA for the FJR1300 thread NOW!!!

Think about it! You just need to put a small apparatus on a T-bone with the proper RAM mount, load your favorite consumable, run the hooka hose right next to your Camelbak hose and fire it up with R's fancy-pants lighter!

Please be sure and extinguish all smoking materials when fueling.

I admire y'all!

I'm a passionate smoker, yet smoking on one of my bikes, while riding? Oh HELL NO!! Apart from it, I ride on two of my bikes with full face/flip ups, so that's an oxymoron already..... the cruiser could take it, as I usually go with my skid plate, but I still don't do the concept smoking and riding, not even smoking and driving my cages.....Gives me a good reason for a break as I can go for hours w/o smokin'.



Had a friend, 30+ years ago, who had a shorty screen on his Harley. Claimed he could light up on PCH below 40mph.

Came to work one morning after his day off - with a few small holes in his nylon windbreaker. Said he sparked one and seeds kept popping out on fire.

I guess he wasn't springing for the brand called for in the owners manual.
