Dude! Me thinks you are going to need a LOT more specific details on this thing before you can get people even close to committing to buy.
Can you say premature? I bet the the ladies get pretty frustrated with you.
G, all I asked for is the number of people who might be interested so I can give this guy an approximate number for him to work with. That's all! All the details will be worked out as we go. One step at a time Ese! :lol: Patience Grasshopper....
You also blew off reading the special terms for setting up a GB and started this thread in the wrong place.
I moved it for you....you're welcome.
Seriously, do yourself and others a favor and read and follow the terms at the top of the
GB section before you consider undertaking one. You, the folks you're trying to help, and admin staff will all be much happier as a result.
The Management