So long new 2006 FJR!

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Jun 30, 2006
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Hello I hate to say this but my new 2006 with 150 miles is going back to the dealer :bad: ! The throttle problem is sonething I cannot tolerate. It almost dumped me twice both times in turns!. Now I have been riding motorcycles since 1968,and no bike has been this touchy :angry: !Yes I did the jumper mod ,I did the spring thing and installed larger grips, still the same on-off response! What kills me is a friend of mine has a 2003FJR and there’s nowhere near that control problem! I understand Yamaha changed the throttle pulley and I’m quiet sure that’s the problem, I don’t want to fool around with replacing it with a 05 pulley I don’t have the time.Soooo If the dealer wants to stick it to me too badly you will see it up for sale on the form site :mega_shok: That kills me cuz I spent 2 years lookin for the rite bike and thought this was it! :waaa:

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150 miles isn't much saddle time to acclimate to a new bike. I keep seeing people writing here about how twitchy the throttle is and I have yet to experience anything remotely like that.

Yes, the throttle spring seems a 'bit more' than I'd like, but it doesn't require a gorilla and is matched by the clutch pull to a large degree.

Yes, my left hand does tend to go to sleep on fast group rides (gotta learn to ease up on the grip).

But I just don't have that problem with mine - and I have left the throttle and everything else stock - 3882 km (2400 mi) on the clock this evening (just did an oil change).

Sounds like you might be happier with a carburated machine - have you checked out the Kawasaki Concours? Inexpensive, predictable, user serviceable, more useable hard bag room - it was my last new bike, I bought mine new in 2003 (Candy Cardinal Red - the FASTEST color they ever built) and rode it until the end of last season (RIP). And for your $8K you get a 3 year warranty. Unfortunately, the 2006 model will be the last for that venerable model.

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150 miles sure isn't enough time to throw the baby out with the bath water...All it takes is some practice and a smooth hand and 90% of the lurching goes away. It is for sure, you can't just grab a handfull of throttle all the time.

FWIW, must be something else bothering you about the bike to make such a hasty decision.


Yeah, I thought it was sensitive also but didn't give up. After around 1000 I became quite used to it and its fine to me now. Just have to acclimate to it I think. I haven't done any mods to my bike and wouldn't think about screwing with the throttle system to be honest... Its ME that needs to get used to a new bike not screw with the bike to make it submit to me. I think that is asking for problems. But thats just ME... everyone has their opinion and they can screw with their bike all they want.

I'm happy with my FJR - everyday that I ride I get better at controlling her. Just takes some patience and some miles of road. SO... don't give up yet.

Ditto on the above responses. Truthfully when I got the bike I thought I had made a mistake and after all I didn't have one test ride so I knew it was a gamble. But after a couple hundred miles I started to appreceiate this fine machine and so far the mods I have made were the throttle body spring, and a set a grip puppies. The only other mod I see for me comfort wise will be a new seat or modify the stock unit. The cam style pully really doesn't bother me at all now and I currently only have 1800 miles on the od. Hope you find the right bike but I highly suggest to give it some more time because no bike is perfect. And all I can say now about the FJR is "WOW", this sucker rock and rolls! :lol: PM. <>< :yahoo:

Every year FJR I tried required a little rear brake against the throttle on turns.

I don't understand your point. There's nothing wrong with your bike. It's the nature of the beast. You couldn't possibly learn to ride it properly in 150 miles.

Trade it in for a cruiser. I hear they turn real nice. :rolleyes:

:p I totally agree! My new "blue baby" has 1500 on her as of today and I can tell you that this bike, once you get used to the "engineering" is an amazing and sensitive lady. I don't want an old mule to ride, give me something that has a bit of personality and is raring to go at the twist of the wrist. I think you otta give her a few more miles and try to settle into the saddle and try to join with this scooter rather than trying to change what she has to offer. I have rarely gotten into the saddle, on many different ladies, and felt like I belonged there until I had spent some time there getting to know what makes her tick.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

seriously, you haven't given her a chance yet!

You know it is possible that it isn't the rider needing to get used to it. Maybe it has a mechanical issue. before you do something rash and will likely regret, take it back and tell them it has a problem.

This could be a BAD surge problem that is being caused by something out of tune.

Perhaps it is mechanically ok, and then you may need to make a decision on whether to give it more saddle time or not. But have them check it out first. Maybe even dyno it to see if there is a low rpm air/fuel mixture problem.

Just an idea....

150 miles???? Are you serious? That's like....(divide by hmmm....borrow mumble....) two hours!

You are Ebenezer Scrooge and I claim my 3 shekels.

I own an '03 and I had the oportunity to ride an '06 two days ago on my favorite road. This bike needed a little throttle cable adjustment, but other than that I just don't understand what your talking about. Sorry your not happy.

I keep seeing people writing here about how twitchy the throttle is and I have yet to experience anything remotely like that.
+2 Give it time. I only have 2000 miles on the ODO but it is starting to feel more comfy all the time...except the seat. Grip puppies helped; and I just ordered a throttle boss for longer rides. I'm leary about modifying anything major until I get another few thousand on the bike. My riding style had to change a bit, but I love this rock steady bike in the twisties! Give it time dude!

The throttle problem is sonething (sic) I cannot tolerate. It almost dumped me twice both times in turns!.
I suppose I don't understand. If a rider has entered a turn and is rolling on the throttle as he/she "leans in" then why is there a surge in the midle of the turn. Because of the torque, the FJR doesn't seem to like "on-off" throttle inputs, especially in turns, but that would be a technique learning curve not a throttle application problem.

OTH, if the bike is having "surging" problems that excaserbate issues mid-turn, a good dealer, who is aware, would go back to Yamaha and get permission to set the CO levels (yes, it involves installing riv-nuts and using a dyno and a CO analyzer, but it has been done on bikes to cure "issues").

Good luck on your decision.

Maybe there is something wrong with the bike. Let the dealer take it for a ride and see if there is an inherent problem, i.e. touchy TPS, binding cable, etc. Maybe it does need fixing. If not, then make your decision to keep it or not. There's thousand of satisfied customers out there, so it still might just be that bike you were looking for. Good luck.

A mate of mine had the 04 and his throttle was so light I nearly shit me self when I rode it. My 05's throttle is so much more heavier than my friend's yet nothing has been done to either as they were both brand new beasties.

Me other mate recently brought himself a brand spanna Wing (Blue if you must know) and his throttle was very very light...I was doing little burnouts on the grass and dirt area from where I had a test ride, very sensitive. Why Who the **** knows? that's the way it is and if you don't' like then my advice is change it.

Ciao gang

I don't think he's entirely off-base here. I've had a ton of riding experience since I was 13, and I find the '06 FJR to be rather twitchy. I've done the spring/Barbarian mods, and am contemplating doing Fred's pulley mod, as only with the lightest touch is the accelleration smooth in the first 3 gears. This IS my first fuel injected bike, but I test rode several others before I bought the FJR and never noticed that they were this twitchy. But I can live with it, as the phenominal engineering of the machine continues to make me smile after 7k miles. I'm headed to the Dragon (again) this weekend, and after smoking a Speed Triple on the Cherohala, I'm not about to give this baby up!!! :)

Your right, The FJR is a total POS, in fact its soo bad that the dealer won't take it back and you can't sell it so don't even waste your time! Lucky for you I have a FJR Disposal service, PM me and for a small fee I'll take it off your hands! :p :p :p :p :p

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Your right, The FJR is a total POS, in fact its soo bad that the dealer won't take it back and you can't sell it so don't even waste your time! Luck for you I have a FJR Disposal service, PM me and for a small fee I'll take it off your hands! :p :p :p :p :p

Heck, I'll take it for free ~! :blink: :p

I've come to the conclusion that this bike isn't for everyone, and that as a result of many people not being able to ride it before they buy it, situations like this arise. There's obviously the possibility that something is abnormal about your bike, and I'd at a minimum give the dealer a chance to make it better. If nothing comes of that, and you don't want to do the work to adjust to it, or make it adjust to you... you're much better off in the long run selling it and moving on to something else. :)
