The Bartender Whisperer
Doug your right round the corner......how come you have not stpped by???
Adam you should that lot done Friday evening....Excellent!
My list of things to do.
Oil pan gasket
install new Fairing pocket
Fix phids and headlight wiring
Remove old Scorpio alarm
Doug your right round the corner......how come you have not stpped by???
I will try to make it to tech Day. Is SkooterG heading out?
Neither does Skooter!I have no idea what Skooter is doing,
There goes the neighborhood!I'll have my Darkside FJR ready for show and tell.
Remind me of the schedule for the day (knowing that you have every last detail carefully planned). We're coming for the food and the entertainment, so around about what time should we show up?
DRINK ONE. TURN ONE.Damn! Drunk wrenching! Sounds like a blast!
DRINK ONE. TURN ONE.Damn! Drunk wrenching! Sounds like a blast!