SoCal-WFO-CraterLake-Gold Coast-Combo

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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If you live in or near the cities we are staying over night. Why don't you leave a message at our hotels (we will make a note at the desk of my screen name so its easier) and meet for a night out or share a drink? Maybe some favorite entertainment, or some sugar for our weary eyes? Let us know, or email or PM me with your suggestion, contact info and places to hookup. I'm sure there must be some fun or evil stuff to do in your town B)

I wished we could do this ride with you ZZ, but we're already committed to an FZ rally in Portland just a couple weeks later. Have a great trip and ride safe!!!

Well I was asked if some of the folks could meet with us on the 27th at the BBQ in Visalia, then ride up with us in the morning. So I'll post a new thread for the BBQ for all the guys who enjoy beer and food, plus if you want to ride up with us in the morning for the WFO, then come along too.

July is almost here guys, is everyone certain of the plans getting there, and how about those thinking about riding with us on this trip? Let me know, I'll be taking a roll call over the weekend for the riders who are going.

If I may offer a suggestion, there isn't much to see at Shasta (There are no roads around the lake, just I-5 that goes up the middle of it through the mountains), unless you have a reason to go there.
From Reno you could:

1) Come West on I-80 and take Hwy 89 North, through Lassento R. (East) on Hwy 299 to Canby, then North on 138 around Tule Lake and into Klamath Falls. Or,

2) Head North on 395, to Susanville, the take 138 North to Klamath Falls.

WARNING: Hwy 138 is high desert (as is all Eastern Oregon).

If at all possible, I would suggest trying to ride Oregon Hwy 66 (Way fun, very twisty) from Klamath Falls to Ashland. It would not take you closer to Crater lake (which is beautiful, ask anyone who joined the "Peak to Peak" ride to WFO last year. We rode around the lake--the Northern shore is not visible from the road. You can probably find pictures under WFO-4, Peak to Peak ride.).

From Klamath Falls you can ride Hwy 97 North to Hwy 62 up to Crater Lake, then from there take Hwy 138 West to Roseburg then I-5 South to Hwy 42 West to Coos Bay.

WARNING: You'll likely find many motorhomes on Hwy 101. You might check with PNW owners, or Skyway, who took that route home last year and ended up cutting away from 101.

As an option, look at Pashnit and consider coming South in California via Hwy 199 or I-5 into CA and Hwy 96 to Klamath, CA. or from Yreka take Hwy 3 to Weaverville then Hwy 299 to Arcata/Eureka. These (along with Hwy 36 from Redding) are supposed to be some of the best motorcycle roads in the North state.

It's your ride and vacation, I'm just trying to give you options. Remember, there are no "bad roads", only different roads.

Hi guys, I live in Roseburg. Last weekend ran up to Crater Lake on 138. Beautiful on 138 this time of year, coming or going. The East rim drive on Crater Lake is still closed due to high snows and snow clearing equipment breakdowns, but should be fine in another week or two. If you head down 138 (world class fly fishing for salmon and steelhead if the time and inclination) to Roseburg, I HIGHLY recommend going North on I-5 the 12 miles to Sutherlin and go west on 38 to Reedsport, then head South on 101. Much prettier and many more twisties through the Caostal range than if you go Rte. 42. It does add a few miles....... and if you want what the locals do --

Go East from Crater Lake on 138 until you hit Glide. Then a mile east out of town is North Bank Road. Take the right onto it and there is 22 miles of twisty bliss following the Umpqua River. At the end you are in Wilbur. Take the right and go on old 99 to Sutherlin. Take a left onto Center Street at the end, and you are soon on the aforementioned 38. Actually cuts off 20 miles of dull riding to Roseburg and retracing on superslab...........

Hope this helps somebody.


Need to make final rollcall for this ride to reno on the 27th, leaving from Mission Motorsports. I think there are some that may just want to go to the BBQ, some that want to go to Reno Only, some will be joining in Reno for the continued trip. Either way, please confirm you are going either here or email me. Make sure your accomodations are made, both in Reno and any part of the ride. If you need help in any area, please let me know.

Here are the riders.

ZZkenoman 05 FJR

Steve ZX6R

Coorslightsilverbullet40 FJR

Steve ZX-10R

Rob FZ1

DocDanDC FJR- to Reno Only

Santa Fe Dreaming 06 FJR

Clovis43 FJR

Pawtracks 05 FJR to Reno Only


TurboDave 06 FJR

Joemoto 06 FJR

GunMD 05 FJR to Reno Only

Thanks for all the responses, and reminding those who haven't made reservations please do so. I think its going to be a great & safe ride. If anyone still is working out there plans, let me know. Otherwise I'll see everyone at the staging area at Mission Motorsports in Irvine on the 27th at noon.

JULY IS HERE!!!!! Need to make final rollcall for this ride to reno on the 27th, leaving from Mission Motorsports. I think there are some that may just want to go to the BBQ, some that want to go to Reno Only, some will be joining in Reno for the continued trip. Either way, please confirm you are going either here or email me. Make sure your accomodations are made, both in Reno and any part of the ride. If you need help in any area, please let me know.

Here are the riders.

ZZkenoman 05 FJR

Steve ZX6R

Coorslightsilverbullet40 FJR

Steve ZX-10R

Rob FZ1

DocDanDC FJR- to Reno Only

Santa Fe Dreaming 06 FJR

Clovis43 FJR

Pawtracks 05 FJR to Reno Only


TurboDave 06 FJR

Joemoto 06 FJR

GunMD 05 FJR to Reno Only
ZZ, I will miss being with all you guys. I am doing the California/OregonWashington about 2200 miles from 21-27 July and ending at Reno. Have a safe and enjoyable ride. See you at WFO.

Attention: All those who are going on this ride. There will be a change of departure time from Orange County and considering moving it earlier one day. Please give me a call or email me asap.

The new departure plan as of today is to leave on Wed July 26th, leaving Orange County after 4:30pm and head up to Visalia. Some riders from San Diego will be meeting at the Chevron Station in Laguna Hills at the Oso Parkway Exit off Hwy 5 at 4:30pm. We will head up hwy 5 to 57, 210 to 5 in the evening hours while it is cooler. Anyone along this route is welcome, email me for my cell if you want to join.

2508 Miles, 50.3 gallons of gas, averaging 49.8 mpg, 10 days of absolute great scenery, pictures to come, clothes to wash, bike to clean, gonna go back to sleep.
