Someone Tell Me Why...

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Your photo ain't showing up you ****. Or is it my end? Edit: Photo showing now!?!?!?!
Anyways, I am assuming you are speaking of the BMW R1200GS. If that's the case, the only thing I have to say is buy two - so I can have one. An R1200GS will most likely be my next bike and will be in addition to an FJR. I rode one recently and it spoke to me. I had a huge ****-eating grin after getting off. (Pun intended) It will most likely be a used one to try to avoid some if the $$$$, but I WILL have one.

I have also ridden a friend's old V-Strom 1k and I know lots love it, but it didn't do anything for me at all. Didn't speak to me in the least.

Keep me in mind for the big Prudhoe Bay trip. You thinking of doing the IBA ride, Prudhoe Bay to Key West? That one is definately near the top of my to-do list.

As for you Iggy, those photos are of a BMW with only like 17,000 or 18,000 miles IIRC. That is a concern, but I would still get it.

And as for the rest of you and crashing................Crash Bars! Bueller? :p
You'll be the first to know of my departure date, right after Orangie and I haven't thunk about PB to KW... Hmmmm, we should talk!

Was that air fizzing out of my plans just now? :eek: Truthfully, I'm as concerned about that issue as I am with the ticking issue over here. I'm not ignoring it, just ain't worried about it.

I'm thinking that in honor of TWN's pending half yard mark, forum members should each pitch in about 12 cents and get him one of these:


We could bolt a genset on the front wheel, and a rack for luggage, and then have Rocky do him up a seat ... he'd be right in there !!
That is freaky! I had that exact bike including paint and seat color.

Mine was blue and you're too young for one of those! Hand-me-down, I reckon?

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I can tell you why.. because the KTM Adventurer is stronger, more reliable, roomier for you long legged guyz, faster, handle better in the dirt, and have bullet proof motors, suspension, brakes. You ride the Beemer, I'll take the KTM with ya up to Alaska.. then when your beemer breaks, I'll let you ride biaatch on the KaToom. Joking aside, take a long look at the KTM. Mine will have a high fender too, to prevent mud from packing up and stopping the front tire.
Your photo ain't showing up you ****. Or is it my end? Edit: Photo showing now!?!?!?!

Anyways, I am assuming you are speaking of the BMW R1200GS. If that's the case, the only thing I have to say is buy two - so I can have one. An R1200GS will most likely be my next bike and will be in addition to an FJR. I rode one recently and it spoke to me. I had a huge ****-eating grin after getting off. (Pun intended) It will most likely be a used one to try to avoid some if the $$$$, but I WILL have one.

I have also ridden a friend's old V-Strom 1k and I know lots love it, but it didn't do anything for me at all. Didn't speak to me in the least.

Keep me in mind for the big Prudhoe Bay trip. You thinking of doing the IBA ride, Prudhoe Bay to Key West? That one is definately near the top of my to-do list.

As for you Iggy, those photos are of a BMW with only like 17,000 or 18,000 miles IIRC. That is a concern, but I would still get it.

And as for the rest of you and crashing................Crash Bars! Bueller? :p
You'll be the first to know of my departure date, right after Orangie and I haven't thunk about PB to KW... Hmmmm, we should talk!

Was that air fizzing out of my plans just now? :eek: Truthfully, I'm as concerned about that issue as I am with the ticking issue over here. I'm not ignoring it, just ain't worried about it.

I'm thinking that in honor of TWN's pending half yard mark, forum members should each pitch in about 12 cents and get him one of these:


We could bolt a genset on the front wheel, and a rack for luggage, and then have Rocky do him up a seat ... he'd be right in there !!
That is freaky! I had that exact bike including paint and seat color.

Mine was blue and you're too young for one of those! Hand-me-down, I reckon?
Mine was bright yellow. A 5-speed with the the big-assed stick shift mounted in the center on the frame. And oh yeah, how could I forget? The "slick" rear tire. Damnation I had fun on that thing. It wheelied better than the FJR! :clapping:

Mine was blue and you're too young for one of those! Hand-me-down, I reckon?
I think they made them '63 to sometime in the early 70's. It sure seemed new to me, but who knows with my wheeling-dealing father. The bow sure made it look shiny on June 10, 1972.

Back on topic (yeah, from me no less :p ), I'd be on it like stink on Skoot. Ya get one go through in life, grab all ya can while the grabbers still work. I would think Beemers gotten a handle on the final drive issues (or so I've read), so it's a non-issue. Go for it, and don't look back (mostly cuz she'll be chasin ya with a rolling pin). ;)

Only rich spoiled kids got Schwinns.

<this sucks>

Oh, were you one of those Huffy guys with the cheesy red, white, and blue vinyl tassles? Or did you really suck and get stuck with something your grandparents bought from Ace Hardware and never quite got put together right?

Gotta love Google.
Sting-Ray started in '63 and ran to '75. And I just found out it was the safety Nazis at the Consumer Product Safety Commission that banned the Stik-Shift.

Bastards. :angry2:

Clicky HERE grasshopper to enter the path of Sting-Ray enlightenment
I tried that too, but couldn't find the '75 date. I did get one of the post-ban Stik-Shifts. Bike looked exactly like below, but it had this cheesedick shifter on the handlebar that would never stay in first unless you held it down....which was less safe than reaching down to the old version shifter.

Back on topic (yeah, from me no less :p ),
Pot to kettle!

Pot to kettle!


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Only rich spoiled kids got Schwinns.

<this sucks>

Mom and dad got mine at Railroad Salvage. Basically, this store bought closeouts, overstocks, damaged lots and such, then sold the stuff cheap, without warranty. IIRC, I threw in 8 bucks from my paper route and mom tossed in the balance of the $29.99 ticket. We had mac and cheese until the next paycheck.

Oh, and I forgot the slick tire out back! Great for 'peeling out'! Plus, a neighbor kid didn't want his tall sissy bar, so I got it. Made for tit wheelie poppin'!

Back on topic (yeah, from me no less :p ), I'd be on it like stink on Skoot. Ya get one go through in life, grab all ya can while the grabbers still work. I would think Beemers gotten a handle on the final drive issues (or so I've read), so it's a non-issue. Go for it, and don't look back (mostly cuz she'll be chasin ya with a rolling pin). ;)
Well then, rolling pin be damned! I'ma goin' huntin! :good:

TWN....a buddy of mine owns a KTM dealership in Toronto....& has afew demo's, one with 3000 km's on it .....& you save money on the exchange....(way better than a Bimmer....& much more none).... :good: ....

Only rich spoiled kids got Schwinns.

<this sucks>

Oh, were you one of those Huffy guys with the cheesy red, white, and blue vinyl tassles? Or did you really suck and get stuck with something your grandparents bought from Ace Hardware and never quite got put together right?
If you wanna know, the only Huffy I owned was orange. I think it was called an orangemobile. I got a can of metallic blue paint the first week and painted it. Wow...metallic blue...I never made the connection between my FJR and that huffy! :lol:

I was the youngest of 5 kids, 4 of them boys. I got hand me down EVERYTHING except underwear. My mom was nice about that. Most of the bikes I rode were put together from different bikes. A JCPenney fork, a Huffy frame, a Montgomery Ward 10 speed seat, one white wheel and one red....stuff like that. Never, never think we couldn't get something put together. My dad is a Physicist and if we couldn't figure it out alone, he'd lead us to the answer with questions. But don't ever think too many things went too long without being brutally broken.

We immigrated so my grandparents weren't around to buy us stuff.

Then one day I realized I could work for money. Like TWN, I got a paper route. Then I got working in a local eatery when I was 12. From that point on I had pretty nice bikes, bought with my own money.

A friend of mine had a yellow stingray with the shifter. That thing sucked at jumping. It was near impossible to land that thing level. The front wheel dove like a...diver.

After Stingray, I believe they came out with a banana seated "dirt bike" called the Scrambler. My buddy Alan got one of them. It was cool. Silver with black wheels and seat. He got beat up a lot becuase those are Raider colors and we grew up in the days of the Orange Crush.

I guess I said enough about my youth for now...ask me another question sometime :lol:

Did Timmy get his new bike yet? KTM or BMW???

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You know, that's something I have wondered about since I first saw a boxer BMW engine decades ago: just how well do the cylinder heads and such stand up to crashing?? I don't think I've ever read anything about it being a problem, nor anything saying it isn't. Just curious.
I dropped my R100RS once because of a kid that ran in the road, I swerved to miss him, went down a hill and ended up on the level tar too fast not to bounce off the damn bike. The cylinder head was the only thing that hit the ground and I could never tell anyhing happened once I repainted the cylinder head.

In my book there are these types of bikes you should be considering for your ride to Alaska.
BMW R1200GS or R1200GS Adventure

KTM 900 Adventure
Telling self: "do not listen to this enabler, do not listen to this enabler, do not . . . ."
How can you pass up a ride from Alaska to Florida? We all need to do this ride as an act of passage into really LIVING!!!

Why not a new KLR??? If your preference is ugly anyhow, with the BEEMER, the KLR seeems the logical choice.

Why not a new KLR??? If your preference is ugly anyhow, with the BEEMER, the KLR seeems the logical choice.
TheKLR is too brutal for long street riders. Slow too. Better in the true dirt than a bimmer or KToom.. but the hiway isn't a true goat trail anymore.
...I shouldn't buy one of these:

Being my B-day and all, I've been scrounging around the in'nernet for sumpin' to buy myself (other than Skyway's peg mounted De-Thirstalator® )and this damn thing keeps showing up in my searches for some *unknown* reason! :dntknw:

Now, some of you may know that I harbor a keen interest (need?) in making Prudhoe Bay within the next year or two and I've been eyeballin' the GS, Uly and Strom1K with which to make the trip. (Having found myself graveling one too many times on the FJR, I have determined that this ain't the machine for such a ride.) I know it's a BMW, but dangit!, the Strom and Uly just feel so, well, cheap. Too, the Uly is a tiny little critter compared to the others, quality is suspect for the ancillary bits (controls in particular) and the Strom is just a plain, big ole yawner.

So, my logic dictates that the Uly gets ruled out and though the Strom gets high marks for price (I could farkle the **** outta it for the difference of the Beemer), it just can't compare to the overall effect that the BMW offers. I'm not going out today and buy one (and that raises the whole new v. used conundrum) and prolly won't until I have a better handle on a trip date, but you all are pretty well versed in things two wheel, so I thought I'd slip a Quill Gordon upstream to see what it drags up.

Fire away!

TWN, the beemer was/would be my pick, the shafty is IMHO the way to go. :yahoo: Go with what ever gives you that nice fuzzy feeling...but, I'm sure with what ever you decide, you'll have the trip of your life.

The pic is me leaving for AK back in '02...9500 mile round trip with absolutely no probs at all.

Well, okay -- I'm having a hard time seeing someone (TWN), who professes a fondness for (Honda's lovely) Interceptors, enjoying such a soul-less machine. I had the opportunity to deliver (ride), for pay, a GS1150 about 1500 miles last summer. I dis-liked it almost immediately and grew more disgusted with it as the trip progressed. I likened it to army-surplus equipment; designed by committee and built by the lowest bidder.

If you just want to ride to AK?, take the Feejer. If you're really wanting to do some out-back exploring?; any of the readily available dual-sport singles would get my vote. If you stay off Interstates, d-s singles can work just fine. I rode my DR650 to Eureka MT by highway and then the Cont. Div. by dirt.

But, if the BM's an-itch-u-gotta-scratch,?.....well...?? :( :p

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TWN....a buddy of mine owns a KTM dealership in Toronto....& has afew demo's, one with 3000 km's on it .....& you save money on the exchange....(way better than a Bimmer....& much more none).... :good: ....
Hmmmm, sat on that Katoom 950 Adventure last night. A bit weird and chain drive, but a real nice machine. It's almost as spendy as the GS and dealers are spotty at best, just yet. As far as a demo purchase - I'd be up for that save for the asinine 7,500 mile 'rule' that we have out here.

Well, okay -- I'm having a hard time seeing someone (TWN), who professes a fondness for (Honda's lovely) Interceptors, enjoying such a soul-less machine. I had the opportunity to deliver (ride), for pay, a GS1150 about 1500 miles last summer. I dis-liked it almost immediately and grew more disgusted with it as the trip progressed. I likened it to army-surplus equipment; designed by committee and built by the lowest bidder.If you just want to ride to AK?, take the Feejer. If you're really wanting to do some out-back exploring?; any of the readily available dual-sport singles would get my vote. If you stay off Interstates, d-s singles can work just fine. I rode my DR650 to Eureka MT by highway and then the Cont. Div. by dirt.

But, if the BM's an-itch-u-gotta-scratch,?.....well...?? :( :p
I do indeed sport major wood for the Interceptors, but I've BTDT and I really have a hankerin' to do that dualie thing, but still have a decent streeter. I've had the FJR on gravel and really, it sucks on it and there is now way I'd travel more than just a few miles and only when forced to do so. I'll take your comments and keep them in mind when I go and test ride the GS... You never know, it just be a no-way ride for me. Thanks!

TWN...I'm sure my buddy could find you a demo with the mileage needed for your MOT....or he could just pull a reverse Ferris Bueller for you :lol: .....

Well, Mr. Nut, I am gonna have to say "go for it." Why? Simple, actually. How many other things in life are referred to as a "she" and you get to have more than one? Just think of the good stories you could tell at the local watering hole.

"Hell, Bubba, I'll tell yu whut. Yesterday, I rode ole Mary-Ann hard, uh-huh. Then, when I was thru with her, I clumb up on Ginger and rode her for a wile, yep. And when I's dun, I smak'd em both on the rear and said: See you girls t'morrow."
