Son of a %$$@ Kickstand!

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BZZZZ--wrong. ONLY if bike is headed up hill. All other times (level or down hill), roll bike ahead and remove slack. No wonder you guys are dropping your bike`s ;)
:lol: :yahoo:

Don't get them started on front wheel position when parallel parking your car on a hill. :rolleyes:

Like parking lots @ Mammoth? :unsure:
Nope. That was severely uphill. I should have walked it out of that spot.

My undoing (besides not staying at the Holiday Inn, and the fact that the Harley's took up all the level spots) was that the car uphill had vacated the spot, tempting me to ride it up, then turn around to downhill in a narrow parking lot with a fast-idling cold motor and not much experience at that move.

I could do it now, but now's not back then. Live and learn....

Got me one of these since there is soft asphalt in my parking lot & I've been known to frequent places that have only sand/dirt/gravel/grass parking spaces (yes, I visit the flea & farmer's market in Waldo; where's Waldo you ask? It's in FL). Anyhoo, for $2 I'm forced by the brightly colored plastic foot to make sure the kickstand assumes the position. (Yes, the bigfoot pad fits in the cubby compartment, and no, I don't own stock.)


Willll, jist anuther i-dee-yer, yew kud take thet ol' sucker kickstand rite off'n thet FeeJer en leen thet byke up agin' any ol' bilding er a tree...jist lyke odot duz. Et werks fer him!

Okay. A couple of weeks ago, I pull over to the side of the road -brand new aspalt with a 6-8" drop off the road surface on the right. I pull up right on the edge, stopping very quickly and not downshifting. (Don't start on me.) Gotta quickly put down my left foot, because of the drop off on the right. So I'm sitting there, with the clutch in, 5th gear, left foot down, kickstand up, can't come close to touching on the right. Uphill. What do ya do?

Sounds like a good time to be riding an AE! B)
