Speeding these days...

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SW FOG is in Taos this fall...Start looking at some of the things that have been going on up here in regards to MOTORCYCLES and PEOPLE FAILING TO OBEY SIMPLE TRAFFIC LAWS.

State Road 68 near mile marker 33; minivan driver speeding and intoxicated, rounds curve, hits motorcycle head on, kills 2. US 64 near mile marker 260; guy driving sports car (speeding/not intoxicated) has to negotiate a hazard on the roadway, fails to do so (due to speed), loses control, hits motorcycle head on. Driver, male, killed at crash and burned beyond recognition, passenger, wife, split from groin up to about belly button, losing entrails, bleeding out, in more pain than I could possibly imagine. She manages to live, how is beyond me. Driver of car was arrested and un-injured. State Road 522, mile marker unknown, motorcycle hits a cow. Man and wife had to re-learn how to walk and one how to talk. State Road 38, mile marker 10; motorcycle hits a deer, he was actually doing around the speed limit but was still unable to avoid the crash. US64 mile marker 264 last saturday; motorcycle rider passes two other vehicle's approaching a curve, fails to negotiate curve, exits outside edge, strikes mail box, launched off bike (luckily), bike hits TREE (capitalized because it was one big ass tree).


What many people fail to understand is that the speed limits are generally established because of what MAY and usually DOES lie around the next curve. I returned to Red River, NM, from Denver last night and between Walsenberg, CO, and home (about 100 miles give or take) I passed a heard of wild horses (on the road), elk (on the road), proabably 30+ deer (on and next to the road), bighorn sheep (on and next to the road), rocks on the road, water on the road, etc. etc. etc...

If you come around a 45 mile per hour curve at 60 or 70 miles per hour here and a heard of bighorn sheep are on the back side you're F'd in the A...you can attempt to cut it a little tighter going into oncomming traffic, go wider leaving the road and hitting trees or a cliff wall, hit the breaks and skip across some pavement eventually hitting trees, sheep, or a cliff wall...you get the idea.

When you break a law that is, contrary to much popular belief, ESTABLISHED FOR A REASON, then suck it up when you get a ticket. I've had more than I care to admit to in my life and I've deserved EVERY SINGLE ONE!

Laws are like "not a toy" warning on bread bags...some dipshit somewhere (usually more than one) did something that caused people to enact a law to prevent other dipshits from doing said act.

Oh, and bring a camera and some seasoned salt for SW FOG...there's animals EVERYWHERE and if you don't hit one they're great to photograph...if you DO hit one, they're great to eat! :focus:

I find those LEO's on this site that ride an FJR and write speeding tickets for a living to be fairly entertaining. If you want to help someone change a flat tire, fetch a stranded motorist a gallon of gas, administer first aid, clean up an accident site, catch the car jacker etc..that is Protecting and Serving at its finest and is certainly appreciated by Joe Public.
What isn't so cool are those that preach the merits of obeying overly restrictive speed limits during each traffic stop and then swing a leg over their FJR when they finish their shift and go wick it up in the twisties that they just worked enforcement on.

I would be ashamed and embarassed to be such a hypocrite.
"I find those LEO's on this site that ride an FJR and write speeding tickets for a living to be fairly entertaining." Why is that? Is it because you think that since we own and ride FJRs, we "wick it up in the twisties" and cannot obey the law? That's an awful lot of assumptions you make in your holier than thou post. Kind of like assuming that since I am a man, I must be a rapist too; since I'm equipped for it right?

I love people like you. You think law enforcement is supposed to hang around waiting until you decide they are supposed to do something, when you actually have no clue what any of us do. What I really love is when people make some half-assed stupid comment like this "I would be ashamed and embarassed to be such a hypocrite. and then are so afraid that someone will call them on their ******** that they follow it up with this, "If this doesn't apply to you then you won't be offended. That's like telling people to make their own decision, but if they don't agee with you, then they must be child molesters...And no one wants that title.

Well, Sporto, remember what I said about being type-A personalities? Most of us don't fold that easily. If I was afraid of conflict or one idiot with stupid opininons, I would not be in this job; so let me help you out a bit.

ANY time you would like to compare lives to see who is or is not more of a hypocrite, you jump up and let me know. I have never stolen, done drugs, vandalized other peoples' property, beat up on women, or any other criminal crap that runs rampant in this world. All of my cars are properly registered, I have insurance, I do not drive intoxicated ever. Although I am strongly opinionated, I am extremely fair to everyone, regardless of their beliefes, sex, religion, color, or whatever other discriminator anyone can come up with. You can choose not to believe me if you want, but don't forget that I have more than one polygraph to back up everything I say. I also have had assignments that are not just given out to every guy with a badge walking around looking cool. I have protected presidents and been tasked to protect more drugs than you could ever imagine. I have located $1.5 million dollars in the dashboard of a car, and turned in every penny, because my integrity is not for sale...Ever. Do I live my life any better than everyone else...Not even close, because there are better men than me everywhere I look.

BUT...About the speeding. You should be very careful of what you accuse people of. I would bet that if you look around this board, you would be very hard pressed to find anywhere where any of the LEOs on here talk about openly breaking the law. I haven't owned or used a radar detector since about 1993 when my last one was stolen out of my truck, so obviously, I don't drive as fast as some may want to think. Do I ever speed? Hell yes; anyone that says they don't is most likely lying, because it is hard not to do sometimes. The difference between you and me is that when I have been caught speeding and get a ticket, I don't get on here and whine about how the mean officer didn't think I was more special than anyone else he caught that day and let me go. I take my ticket, learn the lesson for the day and move on.

It is not our job to let people go. It is our job to enforce the law. Again, for those with poor reading comprehension: If you don't like the laws that govern you, go talk to your nearest senator or representative and explain to them why you think things are unfair.

It is also not our job to change car tires, fetch gas, or kiss the publics collective butt. As adults, it is everyone's responsibility to carry their own spare, regulate their own fuel usage, and learn to take care of themselves. However, since that will never fully happen, just about every one of us will stop and help when we can; however we can. As far as Joe Public appreciating what we do when we catch the car-jacker and clean up the crash scene, or arrest the child molester, you are sadly mistaken. Everything we do, no matter what it is, pisses someone off. We are too mean, we are big brother, we should not have pointed guns at that poor confused 35 year old man that just threatened to kill someone. Again...Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Does what people think bother me? Sometimes, a little, but I, as most cops, always try to do the right thing, and learn to disregard those that will have something negative to say no matter what. This is simply a job that I happen to be very good at. Those on here that know me will tell you that I am the last guy anyone would consider a hypocrite, because I am open about my many flaws. Getting a badge doesn't magically make us perfect, just like becoming a parent doesn't erase the pot use in college, the ditched classes, the permarital sex, the drunk underaged partying, the sneaking out at night, the ditching school, the stealing from parents, the bullying, and whatever else any of may have done pre-parent. So Sporto...Any done any of those things and then told your kids or nephews or co workers they should not do them too? Whose the hypocrite now?

I think Rogue said it best: You can say "I'm just doing what I'm ordered to" but that is what Hitlers men said at Nuremberg.


I ain't gonna git in no pissing match with you cents apearantlee I are just an idiot anyways. Both of us have made some assumptions about one another that are unjustified. Let's say we share a cognitive difference of opinion on the enforcement of Speed Limits and leave it at that.

.... but that is what Hitlers men said at Nuremberg.
If anybody is wondering...this is the specific point when the thread went off the cliff and closed for violating #2 of the Forum Guidelines. :angry2:

It may have been heading that way anyway with an increasingly tenuous connection to the FJR or even motorcycles....which is what this forum is about if anybody wondered. (sigh)

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