Speedo error on the 06

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
I went for the first ride on the 06 with the gps this weekend. I was really disappointed, actually pretty P.O'd when I found that the speedo, instead of being nearly dead accurate at all speeds like the 03 was, is now off by 5 mph when you get above 55mph. It is closer at slower speeds, about 2mph off at 30mph, but once you get up to highway speeds it reads consistantly 5mph high, all the way up to 150mph.


Don't ask how I know this....

I know this makes it about the same a nearly all motorcycles, but the old FJR's had accurate speedometers, why couldn't they keep it accurate?

I'm going to complain to the dealer about it.


I know this makes it about the same a nearly all motorcycles, but the old FJR's had accurate speedometers, why couldn't they keep it accurate?
Well, that sucks!!! :angry:

On top of that, they fucked away the design of the speedometer layout.... it is ridiculous to have 0-70mph in only 90-degrees of the needle sweep! That's dorked up.....

Sorry to hear this, Tom. :(

For all the alleged wonderful improvements in the '06 model, we sure seem to be hearing a lot of issue/problems/complaints about them....

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I,m not sure why they would be different ,but mine shows 2.3mph fast at 75mph indicated with my gps. I thought it was within reason. bete.

5 mph isn't too bad compared with my last FZ6. It would indicate 80 and GPS would read 73 and at an indicated 100 I would only be going 88. I am completely happy with my '06. :D

the design of the speedometer layout.... it is ridiculous to have 0-70mph in only 90-degrees of the needle sweep! That's dorked up.....
They made a lot of improvements on the '06...

...and at least half of them worked.

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Speedo inaccurate....big deal.....hardly ever look anyway.

MPG instant read Fd up....so what....I havent even set the clock.

Clunky tranny....nah....pull in the clutch

ABS light flickers....who cares.....bike stops hard.

Fairing whistles.....wimps....put bananas in your ears

DC outlet is in cubby, hard to access.....cry babies....you so funny!!!

Get these girls some rose colored glasses.

They may have followed suite with auto manufacturers. Most all autos indicate higher speed than actual speed by a percent or two. I donno, but have heard it's a legal disclaimer -- your actual speed is slower than vehicle indicated speed, so you can neve r sue the manufactuer for a speeding ticket! same experience in all my vehicles (aprilia, honda, suzuki, yamaha) spanning bikes, 4 wheelers, and boats.

My Garmin don't lie, and shows slower actual speed in all my vehicles than indicated speed...

My bikes have all been off a few mph at highway speed, and I noticed that also on our old Toyota car, however, both my GM trucks are spot on with my Garmin GPS. I just mount the GPS on the bikes and go. With most of the bikes (and cars) I've had, I hardly ever have to look at the speedo, can usually just tell when I'm at the right speed and I'm generally pretty close.
