I am looking for answers to the questions below. Please do not respond with general types of posts. I am looking for science rather than conjecture.
0T - 0% or Zero Throttle
WOT = 100% or Wide Open Throttle
DOR = Degree(s) of Rotation
SOR = Speed of Rotation
S = Sport Mode
T= Tour Mode
Max power is the same for both S and T.
I have seen this proven with dyno results for both S and T snapped near instantly from 0T to WOT. So please don't bother arguing against this.
Mechanically rotate the throttle so it takes exactly One Second to go from 0T to WOT in each mode.
1. Do both S and T reach WOT with the same DOR or does S require fewer DOR to reach WOT?
1a. Do S and T reach WOT at one second or does S reach WOT in less than one second?
2. If S requires fewer DOR to reach WOT, does the throttle reach a hard stop or keep turning until it reaches the same max DOR as T?
3. If S requires the same DOR to reach WOT, at 1/2 the max DOR does S produce more cumulative power than T?
3 a. If S requires the same DOR to reach WOT, at 1/2 the max DOR does S produce a higher top speed than T?
4. Has anyone used a dyno to demonstrate exactly how S and T function relative to each other with the same throttle DOR and SOR?
I have not seen dyno test results to show exactly what is going on for Sport VS Tour mode. Nor have I seen anything published by Yamaha which might answer my questions.
0T - 0% or Zero Throttle
WOT = 100% or Wide Open Throttle
DOR = Degree(s) of Rotation
SOR = Speed of Rotation
S = Sport Mode
T= Tour Mode
Max power is the same for both S and T.
I have seen this proven with dyno results for both S and T snapped near instantly from 0T to WOT. So please don't bother arguing against this.
Mechanically rotate the throttle so it takes exactly One Second to go from 0T to WOT in each mode.
1. Do both S and T reach WOT with the same DOR or does S require fewer DOR to reach WOT?
1a. Do S and T reach WOT at one second or does S reach WOT in less than one second?
2. If S requires fewer DOR to reach WOT, does the throttle reach a hard stop or keep turning until it reaches the same max DOR as T?
3. If S requires the same DOR to reach WOT, at 1/2 the max DOR does S produce more cumulative power than T?
3 a. If S requires the same DOR to reach WOT, at 1/2 the max DOR does S produce a higher top speed than T?
4. Has anyone used a dyno to demonstrate exactly how S and T function relative to each other with the same throttle DOR and SOR?
I have not seen dyno test results to show exactly what is going on for Sport VS Tour mode. Nor have I seen anything published by Yamaha which might answer my questions.