Squared off tires

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Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Labelle, FL
'06A with 2900 miles. rear Z6 replaced at 900 miles d/t nail puncture. Replaced with Z6 "not C". So, 2000 miles in tire is squared off. South Florida roads undeniably straight. Michelin PP on Multistrada starting to show same but tire is of unknown mileage.

I suspect this is rider induced. Looking for rider improvement suggestions (flame proof suit on). Also, without getting bumped to NERT, tire suggestion. Thinking Michelin PR2CT....

When I am using a set of tires on the slab or otherwise predominately in a straight line I try to keep the edge off of the squaring by swerving within my lane occasionally, leaning the bike over as much as possible. It can be disconcerting to let that square edge develop and then get to a twistie section.

I can only offer two suggestions.

1. Don't consider moving here, the roads are just as flat and a worse surface.

2. Use your own judgement on air pressure, stay within the tire manufacturer's limits, try running on the low end of the pressure range IF you know you are riding slabs all day. You should be checking air pressure before every ride anyway, so take the time to adjust it for the expected conditions. It will buy you some extra tire life and help with the flat streak, IMHO.

I'm not a big fan of low pressures, but I weigh 260#. :blink:

Try a ME-880 Radial in 170/60VR-17 on the rear. I have run that on the FJR and it was much more resistant to squaring off than the Avons, (which I normally run). I got about the same overall mileage from the 880 as the Avon and except for very wet conditions, I felt the traction of the 880 was comparable.

The difference was that after 4k of all slab, the rear tire wasn't squared off on the 880, but I know from direct experience that the Avon would have been flat in the middle from the same ride.

