Squids on the Dragon

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They are a huge problem over here. They look like fun but they fly round housing estates without insurance and cause havoc. The police crushed about 200 of them found in a warehouse brand new just in from China.

That was funny............stupid maybe, but funny. Can't believe he couldn't even keep a pocket bike on the road.


Really old video. IIRC, it was posted here over a year ago.

Stoopid is still stoopid. It may seem funny (well, it is...) but one car coming the other way on some of those passes and...well, the word "squish" comes to mind. Passing those cars probably did wonders for the reputation of bikers "in general".

They are a [SIZE=18pt]huge [/SIZE] :bb2: problem over here. :cray:
They look like fun :drinks: :fans: but they fly round housing estates without insurance and cause havoc. :drag:
The police crushed about 200 of them found in a warehouse brand new just in from China. :vinsent: :trinibob: :headbonk: :axesmiley: :black eye: :buba: :comando: :king:
I didn't say anything.

I'm bumping this thread because I still want one of those little screamers.

We've got two tracks up here where they race these suckers indoors during the winter.


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I'm sorry and apologize to all sensible riders out there, but that looks like phooking FUN!

Hell, just last weekend I did stuff I can't report on here, had a great time, evaded, escaped, let adrenaline flow, took stupid chances... and was it FUN? You betcha.

B4 you bag on me, read my siggie.. it's MY life and will do as I want.. :rolleyes:

For the rest of ya'll? Never break a law, take a chance, ride when you're tired, take a twisty road on knobbies, do a pop a wheelie, etc. etc. etc.

You get my drift yet?

To me, this looks like great hooligan fun. Sign me up!
