St1300 Woes

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sugar Land, TX
Was out yesterday on a ride to see the CMRA races in College Station (outside of Houston). I'd pulled over in a little rural town so our group could all join up again. There were 2 guys there fueling up their Triumph Tigers; the one guy sees my FJR, asks what I don't like about it; told him about the usual heat issues as they applied to me since I'm shorter, but that they were much less significant now with the various heat mods on it. Other than that, I told him what a great machine it was. He explained he had a new ST1300 and that the heat was killing him, it has a bad surge that Honda won't fix, has a 'turbine whine' that also annoys him, and something else I don't recall..said he was very unhappy with it. Interesting, I never have read any ST boards..thought those guys were all happy campers!

In the current Cycle World dust up, the ST was second to the Triumph in heat, the Feej 3rd. They were not real crazy about the ST in many areas.

You also have to remember that, no matter what it is, someone's gonna be unhappy with it. I can't imagine all ST owner's to be happy anymore than I expect all FJR owner's to be happy.

My '04 FJR has given me nothing but pleasure. I've read lots of complaints about the heat but it doesn't bother me at all and I actually kind of appreciate it when it's cool (like now).


I got an email several years ago with a picture of a very beautiful woman dressed in nearly nothing, and at the bottom it said.

"Just remember, somewhere, someone is sick and tired of her shit!"

Is the FJR perfect? No.

But it's a great bike. And that's why I own one.


I got an email several years ago with a picture of a very beautiful woman dressed in nearly nothing, and at the bottom it said.
"Just remember, somewhere, someone is sick and tired of her shit!"

Is the FJR perfect?  No.

But it's a great bike.  And that's why I own one.

Pictures! We need pictures I say! :D

Must illustrate all examples from now on so we can judge for ourselves. :rolleyes:

BTW ...I stillride my buds ST1300 when I can and in spite of being a real nice ride

on the interstate or even in the mountains don't notice the weight, but

it sucks at parking lot and heavy stop and go speeds. ...or maybe it's just my lack

of skill ...but I call it a PIG anyway, and I can't help but believe the FeeJer will be

somewhat easier to handle.


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The one I've been riding is an 04 1300 and it does make a very undesirable machining sound pretty much at all speeds. I thought the noise to be very strange indeed the first time I rode her, but also the lack of any real exhaust note just exaggerates the nearly "electric generator plant" sound. I really don't care for it at all although you get use to it and eventually focus on the ride AND how heavy the bike is in low speed maneuvers. That's a bigger problem in my opinion.

I can't say for sure about the newest models, only that I don't THINK Honda has made any real changes. My wife's 05 Honda Accord has a 2.4 4cyl. with a timing chain and it doesn't make anywhere near the noise the ST does. Yeah, it's a little different engine design for sure but I don't get it either.

I can only hope that the FJR is much more pleasing to me in sound and feel. I know it's no lightweight but I'll bet it feels like one after coming off this porker. ;)

RB :wacko:

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Heat, what heat?. It's fall and I wear a 'stich...

A friend with an ST1300 fixed the surge by installing a Power Commander. His bike now runs smoothly thru-out the rpm range.

One man's food is another man's poison. I found the engine noise of my old ST1100 quite nice, much more engaging than any inline-four. All the VFR guys hate the new chain-drive cam motor because it no longer has the gear whine of the gear-drive cams. Likewise, I love the supercharger whine of my Mini Cooper S. To each his own.

And when it comes to whines, the FJR has a fair amount of primary gear and cam whine that sounds like a turbine engine spooling up sometimeo. Not to mention a valve train that is much noisier than a ST1300, even on a non-ticker. A Duc owner might find it incredibly obtrusive. So this is a little of the pot calling the kettle black.

- Mark

I had an '04 ST1300 and unlike my '03 FJR found engine heat to be a non issue on the bike. I did install some aftermarket deflectors but the week we rode down to Birmingham, Al. in '04 it was low 90s all week. While warm it wasn't FJR COOKED me in the 80s which was why I traded her for an '02 BMW R1150GS...which went for the ST.

Other than heat I found both the ST and FJR (with after market seats and bar risers) to be very comfy long haul bikes that could move. Of course the FJR would easily run away from an ST, but both cruise fine at 80+. Regular gas was certainly a + for the FJR and she ran fine on it.

The horrid engine noise from the ST just plain bothered me: to my ears they sound like a tea kettle about to boil over...what kinda motorcycle sound is that? Goofiest sounding bike I've ever owned.

Meanwhile I'm looking forward to the arrival of my Cobalt Blue '06 FJR...hopefully WITH the heat issues under control! Also hopefully my newly replaced hip will allow me to ride my motorcycles again...without pain! DFO ;)

I can't say for sure about the newest models, only that I don't THINK Honda has made any real changes. My wife's 05 Honda Accord has a 2.4 4cyl. with a timing chain and it doesn't make anywhere near the noise the ST does. Yeah, it's a little different engine design for sure but I don't get it either.

Firewall, sound proofing, huge dash board etc really block a lot of the engine noise. Try riding under the hood at 70mph and see what it sounds like. :D
