State Farm vs Progressive

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I Had progressive on my 2000 Katana and State Farm on every thing else I own. With the Katana, Progressive gave me more coverage for around $70 less per year $470. I just called to compare on the new 06 A and was completely shocked to find State Farm Blew Away Progressive.

In Identical coverage 250/500/100, liability, uninsured 20/40, 250- comp & collision deduct , State Farm $658 yr vs Prog $898.

A $240 yr diff to SF when Prog was better on the Katana.

Just a little FYI if anyone wants it.


Addition: I threw geico into the mix as well, They were just Stupid: Same Coverage: $1,116

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I'm reeling in quotes right now, too and Progressive was far and away the most expensive. I actually laughed at the agent before regaining my composure quickly. I'm looking at two to four hundred with everyone else and they quoted just shy of eleven hundred. :haha:

Don't forget! State that the cc's are 1298, not 1300! That 2 cc difference makes a big difference with Progressive. I'm at $460 right now with Progressive, FWIW.

Insurance comparisons on this board are practically useless, unless you live in the exact same area. Quotes will be all over the place, and one company that is cheap in one area, will be extremely expensive in another. This will also change from one year to another, too.

Youse really needs to shop around.

Don't forget! State that the cc's are 1298, not 1300! That 2 cc difference makes a big difference with Progressive. I'm at $460 right now with Progressive, FWIW.
Thanks for the tip - I didn't think to drop the cc's by two. Seems odd that this would make a difference... <_<

It's not just the 2 cc that's important. Insurance companies can use all sorts of info, like your own personal credit history/score, to come up with your rate.

It's not just the 2 cc that's important.  Insurance companies can use all sorts of info, like your own personal credit history/score, to come up with your rate.
No worries in the credit department, but thanks for the suggestion. No crashes ever, no tickets ever, no arrests ever. (Wow, that all sounds so boring :blink: )

I think the local Progressive agent just had a case of rectal cranium when they lost my business. :beee:

Don't forget! State that the cc's are 1298, not 1300! That 2 cc difference makes a big difference with Progressive. I'm at $460 right now with Progressive, FWIW.
Thanks for the tip TWN..

I'm not that far away from you and will soon be shopping.

Don't forget!  State that the cc's are 1298, not 1300!  That 2 cc difference makes a big difference with Progressive. 
Just for the hell of it I went back to the Progressive site and entered the info again using both 1298 and 1300 cc's. The rate WAS different for me as a NEW customer vs a policy changing EXISTING customer. This time my rate was $820 yr as a newbie vs the $891 I was given a few days ago before I cancelled my current policy.

No difference was posted between the 1298 and the 1300 cc's with same coverage.

I currently have Progressive coverage on the HD and it went up this year about $100.00 which is around $530.00. I had got a pretty good quote from GMACC a few months ago when I had ordered the FJR and thought I would go with them. Just out of curiousity though I called Geico and was blown away, over $300.00 less per year for the HD and the FJR was only around $440.00. That is with now covering 2 bikes and $1000 for accessories and towing. About $638.00 per year for both. That's 300,000/100,000, 50,000 other veh. and $250.00 deductable. Might be worth checking into. I live in Northern CA. Painman. <>< P.S. State Farm who I have my autos with, wanted over $1100.00 just for the FJR and no towing or accessories or gear coverage. And don't even cover bikes unless your already are a member. :D

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Insurance for my new 06 is gonna take a pretty massive jump! I've had Dairyland (cheapest i can find) ever since moving to TX and my 03 was running me $550 a year, even when it was 1 year old. Just called to check on my new delivery and now they are quoting me $903!!! Ouch!! They are being kind enough to extend the payment plan out to 9 months from 6 but that doesn't make me feel better about paying more. Rapists!

Ouch!! They are being kind enough to extend the payment plan out to 9 months from 6 but that doesn't make me feel better about paying more. Rapists!
This from a chick. They take the "R" word serious. ;)

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Of course, depends heavily on in which state you reside. Im in Ca. and was with Progressive on my three bikes they WERE the lowest around, UNTIL I checked with AIS Insurance (a broker I think the acutual insurance is written by the McGraw Group) - saved about $200 for the year on the three bikes - now about $700/yr.

Here in north east CT

Progressive quoted me $460 for minimum liability coverage with

$1000 deductable on the collision, and comprehensive.

Geico quoted me $360 for the same thing.

12 months coverage. Clean record.

Guess I'm a lizard lover now! :)

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OK, found out what is up with my outrageous quote. 2 things, first they didn't give me the homeowner's discount and second, tx has reclassified my bike. if my credit union will let me have a $1000 deductible, it comes down to $689 and if not, it will be $814 for the $500 deductible. still not great but at least i know why. does anyone have AIG insurance??

hey fjrchik,

Maybe it's like real estate...location, location, location. I live in a rural area...laid back (however work in Birmingham with plenty of traffic).

When I was shopping for the right black hole to throw my money in, I got the same high quotes from the usual suspects. Then stumbled on Dairyland and got a quote of about $380/yr and jumped on it.

Go figure.

Jay :blink:

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I live around the corner from you. I will look into Dairyland.

Does anyone have any experience with Dairyland on how they handle claims? Will they just take your premium and turn their back when you need them?

OK, found out what is up with my outrageous quote. 2 things, first they didn't give me the homeowner's discount and second, tx has reclassified my bike. if my credit union will let me have a $1000 deductible, it comes down to $689 and if not, it will be $814 for the $500 deductible. still not great but at least i know why. does anyone have AIG insurance??
Try Foremost & ANPAC (if you have EXCELLENT credit).

Best regards,


...hmmmm, I guess there is something good about living in Indiana.

State Farm: $261.83 per year for maximum obtainable coverage.

...of course I do have a 1 million dollar umbrella policy with them.

(Progressive wanted > $1000).

...nowadays, one of those 18 wheel rigs blowing past me at 75mph could be carrying well over 1 million of inventory. Probably should push the umbrella up to 3 million?
