Stay away from Vrods

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Daleville, AL
Out riding this morning on a 4 lane Hwy at about 70 MPH when I see a bike in the distance that I am gaining on. As I get closer I see it is Vrod with about a 300 lb guy riding it. I start to pass him (he is going about 65) and when I get beside him he goes WOT. At first I am caught off guard by his uninformed maneuver as this is like tugging on Superman's cape.

Time for an education as I accelerate to stay beside him. As we pass through 95 (Wilma (FJR) is even getting bored now) down one and engage Warp, see Vrod get small real fast. Hit 130 and back to 70 now.

Little while later here he comes. I wonder if he needs another lesson? He pulls beside me gives my a thumbs up and falls in behind me. Smart man.


Out riding this morning on a 4 lane Hwy at about 70 MPH when I see a bike in the distance that I am gaining on. As I get closer I see it is Vrod with about a 300 lb guy riding it. I start to pass him (he is going about 65) and when I get beside him he goes WOT. At first I am caught off guard by his uninformed maneuver as this is like tugging on Superman's cape.Time for an education as I accelerate to stay beside him. As we pass through 95 (Wilma (FJR) is even getting bored now) down one and engage Warp, see Vrod get small real fast. Hit 130 and back to 70 now.

Little while later here he comes. I wonder if he needs another lesson? He pulls beside me gives my a thumbs up and falls in behind me. Smart man.


P.S. What's "WOT"?

Out riding this morning on a 4 lane Hwy at about 70 MPH when I see a bike in the distance that I am gaining on. As I get closer I see it is Vrod with about a 300 lb guy riding it. I start to pass him (he is going about 65) and when I get beside him he goes WOT. At first I am caught off guard by his uninformed maneuver as this is like tugging on Superman's cape.Time for an education as I accelerate to stay beside him. As we pass through 95 (Wilma (FJR) is even getting bored now) down one and engage Warp, see Vrod get small real fast. Hit 130 and back to 70 now.

Little while later here he comes. I wonder if he needs another lesson? He pulls beside me gives my a thumbs up and falls in behind me. Smart man.

Try running him at a rolling start, about 30 or so and see what happens! :rolleyes:

Oh, good job on skooling!

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i would take that to mean "wide open throttle"
I thought he mighta been a limey who starts bouncing up and down in his seat exclaiming "Wot wot wot!"

No offense to all the limeys on the forum, except of course Fairlaner and Mr. 222 who gets to see MotoGP preliminaries live. :glare:

It would have been crystal clear to me if he had said WFO. How about you?


This looks to me like the world V-Rods should inhabit:



Look, I don't want a V-Rod, Street-Rod, and especially not a Nite-Rod!

I don't want to ride an (anything)-rod or anything with "rod" in the name. I'm not going to ride it.... It's gay. :eek:

I hear next year, Harley is just going to name it "My Big Dick".

Look, I don't want a V-Rod, Street-Rod, and especially not a Nite-Rod!
I don't want to ride an (anything)-rod or anything with "rod" in the name. I'm not going to ride it.... It's gay. :eek:

I hear next year, Harley is just going to name it "My Big Dick".
This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the smile. :clapping:

Who cares? Ride what you got and let others whats they got. This name calling of people who ride bikes other that what you got is pretty lame/childish for a Forum filled a bunch of gray hairs ... like myself.

This is like junior high redux...

...which I think is what some people like about this na na na


Who cares? Ride what you got and let others whats they got. This name calling of people who ride bikes other that what you got is pretty lame/childish for a Forum filled a bunch of gray hairs ... like myself.
This is like junior high redux...

...which I think is what some people like about this na na na


Well, you can just ride the Nite-rod....

Who cares? Ride what you got and let others whats they got. This name calling of people who ride bikes other that what you got is pretty lame/childish for a Forum filled a bunch of gray hairs ... like myself.
This is like junior high redux...

...which I think is what some people like about this na na na

Never trust anyone over, umm-57!

Yeah, thats right, scorch you!

i would take that to mean "wide open throttle"
I thought he mighta been a limey who starts bouncing up and down in his seat exclaiming "Wot wot wot!"

No offense to all the limeys on the forum, except of course Fairlaner and Mr. 222 who gets to see MotoGP preliminaries live. :glare:

It would have been crystal clear to me if he had said WFO. How about you?

Then I would have created the confusion of why did a Vrod go to Western FJR Owners? ;)

I own one of each. It's a lot closer than you think in the quarter mile. This highway encounter proved nothing. Bashing brands and 300# riders does say something about the poster.
