Stay away from Vrods

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So they can recoup half the cost after 5yrs.
One would hope so. The bike is essentially still new.

OTOH, a new FJR pay ~13k. I'm betting you could get $6500 for a 5 year old FJR, and it could have a bunch more miles on it.

I knew you were picking on their miles, but for me, it's the smiles, not the miles.
OK, I could not tell. And I agree about the smiles. I just prefer to get mine with the bike running (not parked somewhere) ;)

I just love Harley bashing threads.

That may make me an @sshole, but I'm OK with that.

Toecutter and Scythian like the model from France called "Speed Rod".



The Speed-Rod doesn't use oil in the crankcase, it uses KY jelly!
You guy's really crack yourselves up. So....we all see what's "really" on your two's minds. Dorks, I fixed it for ya boys. :lol:
We clearly do not ride a rod of any kind, we have FJRs.

This is funny. I was curious what they get for these things (Vrods) on the used market and did a little googling.

Check this web site out: Hogs for sale

Anyone notice anything funny about all of these bikes? Pay attention to the 4th column. :rolleyes:

Wholly Crap...what do they do, buy them stick them in their garage, wait a few years, and then sell them???

How can anyone own a bike for 5 years and only put 300 miles on it ..(or 2 ????)

Are they asking for more than they paid for it? is that the deal here, they are "investment bikes"???

Freaking Weird.


This is funny. I was curious what they get for these things (Vrods) on the used market and did a little googling.

Check this web site out: Hogs for sale

Anyone notice anything funny about all of these bikes? Pay attention to the 4th column. :rolleyes:

Wholly Crap...what do they do, buy them stick them in their garage, wait a few years, and then sell them???

How can anyone own a bike for 5 years and only put 300 miles on it ..(or 2 ????)

Are they asking for more than they paid for it? is that the deal here, they are "investment bikes"???

Freaking Weird.


List for a Vrod is $17 grand for the stripper. Pro'lly around 20 large OTD with the required "customization". So no, it doesn't look like an investment scheme here. Well except for the people MM mentioned (stockholders).

I would surmise that these were all "trophy bikes". I'm sure there are lot more that do actually get ridden. This web site probably goes out of its way to find the real low mileage ones for its buyers.

I think the Vrod is the kinda bike that you have to clean and polish. The HD crowd likes this. I can only assume that it is time away from the wife. They have clean garages and their tool organized and their mower starts everytime. And they shave on Saturday. As I understand it, you clean it before the ride and then after. And I guess if you don't like cleaning the bike, you don't ride much.

Thank god you don't have to clean the FJR and it still looks good.


Here is a question for all of you. Honda is branching out (I know FJR board) and starting to make airplanes. I would fly on a plane that Honda made no problems.

Here is the question. If Harley made an airplane would you fly on it? I would NOT for sure.

Totally off topic I just had to throw it out there seeing this is a good bash thread. :) :) :)

Here is a question for all of you. Honda is branching out (I know FJR board) and starting to make airplanes. I would fly on a plane that Honda made no problems.
Here is the question. If Harley made an airplane would you fly on it? I would NOT for sure.

Totally off topic I just had to throw it out there seeing this is a good bash thread. :) :) :)
Seen a t-shirt that asked that same question.

[SIZE=12pt]As for HONDA...[/SIZE]





Ass :whistle:

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Here is a question for all of you. Honda is branching out (I know FJR board) and starting to make airplanes. I would fly on a plane that Honda made no problems.
Here is the question. If Harley made an airplane would you fly on it? I would NOT for sure.

Totally off topic I just had to throw it out there seeing this is a good bash thread. :) :) :)

here for hog powered aircraft.

'04 FJR 1300

Here is a question for all of you. Honda is branching out (I know FJR board) and starting to make airplanes. I would fly on a plane that Honda made no problems.
Here is the question. If Harley made an airplane would you fly on it? I would NOT for sure.

Totally off topic I just had to throw it out there seeing this is a good bash thread. :) :) :)

Definitely puts a new spin on the term "American V-twin Cruiser".

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Does it go "potato potato potato" in the air? And do the wings have tassles?? ;)

I suppose it would if you could figure out a way to idle the engine in the air. On the ground it definitely does base don the videos, but in the air it just sounds like an airplane to me.

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I suspect those Harley-powered aircraft will get about the same amount of air time, that the average V-Rod does road time.
