steering head sockets

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just roy

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
Central Square, NY
OK after trying to keep this small and only posting in response to other post. i have decided to do this all the way. but after an E-Mail from a retard stating that i was offering fake generosity by offering half the money for a fund for Wayne and Annette because i was charging an absurd amount of money for a piece of metal i was making in my garage. instead of getting pissed off and packing up my marbles and going home i thought it would be better to just show a few pics of the process and let people decide if they want to order. also lets me show off a little and maybe other people can post their projects. pictures are always good anyway.

blanks all cut and samples from the different steps


band saw cutting a blank


lathe boring the inside (this is actually threading but i didn't have a picture of that step)


mill making the teeth. hex has already been made on bottom


finished socket


i have received a lot of orders but wanted to restate that if you want one send me a pm with your name and address. as i get them completed i will mail them out. when you get it the postage will be on the box and my name and address inside and on the box. you just send me a check for $26 dollars plus whatever the postage is. i don't want money before hand. this has caused problems in the past that i don't want to duplicate. a lot of people have sent me pm's or said they wanted one in a post but have not sent me their address.

Roy ~

I'm glad you haven't let one "nay-sayer" bring you down!

Your offer concerning donations for Annette's replacement gear is more than generous. Good for you.

Looking forward to receiving my new tool. Can't have enough tools, eh?

Thanks for your efforts.


never mind the retard. looks very good, and I would like one please......


Roy $26 for this is a bargain and well within the price point for a better tool than the fooking wrench that Yamaha and others sell.

The fact that you're giving anything to Wayne and Annette is purely a bonus.

Screw the knuckle head that gave you any flack, and don't sell him one. Let he or she **** around with a far inferior product.


I already sent PM in for the worthless hunk of metal you are making in your garage that I want very much. :D

My order still stands.

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So I guess you'll be retiring soon with the massive profits from these. :rolleyes: 26 bucks is a bargain. I've made a few specialty sockets myself.

Chassis sockets

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Very nice looking tool. If I didn't already have the other style I'd order one for myself. With Bike Johnny out of the picture the only other place I know of where you can get a steering head wrench is from Yamaha and they are very pricey. These ought to sell like hotcakes.

OK, I don't get it. How could $26 be "too much" for something like this? A better mousetrap that isn't available anywhere else at any price? And one that is donating any portion to a good cause?

I need one. PM sent.

Roy - You da man! :clapping: Stepping even deeper into the batters box after a knock-down pitch is way cool on your part. About the phucktard? I know they/you won't out who it is, but sure would make a helluva dogpile Friday now wouldn't it?

Oh, and I want one of those over-priced easily-made-at-home-with-hand tools also! :rolleyes:

PM Sent.

And if the Phuktard phucktard were to take but a moment and consider what this would cost based upon current shop rates, he'd see that it would be a deal at twice the price. But then, being a phucktard, I doubt that will happen as he is no doubt trying unsuccessfully to reverse his cranial-rectal inversion.

Kudos, Roy! :clapping:

What happened to the days when we just called someone an :******: or :asshat2: and moved on?
