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Aw Hell, ...I jus packs a squirt can o Ronson lighter fluid an then real cordjul like I offer the dude a light! Splain to him that just a 'flick a ma Bic' can have him doin' a real life impershunashun of Richard Pryor!

If you are going to carry, you had best be prepared to take a life. If you cannot 100% commit to that, put the toy up, cause thats all it is.

Why not just a hip clip pocket knife? I can have mine ready in less than .5 sec. It has a 4 inch blade.
The goal of anyone who carries a weapon whether it be gun, knife or choosing to use a blunt weapon it not to kill. When one sets out to arm themselves, the goal is to stop the activity of the bad guy. I think, as well as many other self defense trainers, that it not good form to have the intent to kill. That kind of attitude could get you in more trouble. Just as I believe that it is the right, prudent and even moral thing to protect yourself anf your family, good planning and training is the right, prudent and moral thing to do. Those who choose to defend themselves are often seen as gung ho. militant or the like. It should be nobody's goal to take a life. Again it is your first responsibilty to remove youself and loved ones from the situation--yes, give it the gas, run away or whatever it takes---justified or not, you take a life and it could cost you for the rest of your life (but at least your alive). The first thing to consider is to be dilligent enough to not place yourself in situations that you know you shouldn't be in. Just because I am armed 95% of the time, I do not fequent those neighborhoods or areas of town that have reputations for violence. Just as I stated above, you cannot always avoid or remove yourself and loved ones from a situation, so be prepared.

And by the way, it, in the long run as far as jurys are concerned, better to put a stop to the activity and not end the life. Also be aware of the laws in your state. Here in Virginia, the burdon is on the victim to prove that there was an eminent threat of grave bodily harm before lethel force is used--literally a him or me situation. :glare:

That being said, there have been situations that atomobiles have been called lethal weapons--wether used by the agressor or the victim, so teh 600#+ bike your are on could be very effective in stopping the bad guy or the 3000#+ vehicle that the bad guy is using could be justivication for lethal force on you part. Take a look at this--interensitng reading, just on take on motorcycles and self defense.

You all take care and be safe. B)

Not sure how true the story line is but it goes something like below.... SEE PHOTOS before you rule out knifes..... (but IMHO don't bring a knife to a gun fight....)
The photos are of an officer trained in hand-to-hand combat.

The officer figured that due to his size and fighting skills, he could disarm a knife wielding aggressor.

Here is why I am forwarding these on.

To all the idiots out there who always say, 'Why did the cops have to shoot him? He only had a (insert your choice of weapons here, i.e. knife, bat, club. whatever). He didn't have to be shot.

To that, I respond, 'tough crap ... shoot'em'.

If an officer tells you to drop your weapon, just drop it.

If you're a retard, stupid, on crack, mental or just 'scared' too bad. No one deserves what this cop got for just doing his job. If you got a knife, then you should die ... period.

This is vivid proof of how deadly people who are 'only armed with a knife' can be. Some of the public think that officers should try to disarm someone armed with a knife but anyone who has had training in knife fighting will tell you - even if you win you are going to get cut.

Keep this in the back of your mind when confronting someone armed with an edged weapon.
May folks have said, that they would prefer to be shot than stabbed. The internal damage that a knife can inflict can be far nastier than a gunshot wound. I would never want to find out. I have seen drills where the bad guy is 30' from an armed would be victim and the reaction tiem to draw and fire is just a little too long. Even a wounded bad guy can lunge or fall into a victim and inflict mortal wounds. Knives are nasty.

If you are going to carry, you had best be prepared to take a life. If you cannot 100% commit to that, put the toy up, cause thats all it is.

Why not just a hip clip pocket knife? I can have mine ready in less than .5 sec. It has a 4 inch blade.
The goal of anyone who carries a weapon whether it be gun, knife or choosing to use a blunt weapon it not to kill.
I agree, that is the goal.

But if the situation has presented itself in such a manor, that I feel I need to draw a weapon for protection. The purpose is not to wave it around all flashy like, sayin "get back or I'll....."

If It is to the point of coming out, it is to the point of use.... for me anyway.

All good advise, but I have had to use a firearm twice to protect my life and property, both with sucessful results, or I wouldn't be typing this information. Once my welding truck was not running on all cylinders and I pulled into a rest stop to work on it. A car load of Skinheads thought they would relieve me of the truck. One tried to open my truck door to pull me out while another was going around to the passenger side to do the same. I had my "helper" in the console. I pulled it and shoved it into the guys mouth on the driver side, what do you know, they decided to end thier threat. Another time was in Mexico, some highway banditios wanted our van full on gear for our vacation, and showing them my "helper" they also decided to leave us alone. I was fully prepared to follow through once I pulled the iron out, but didn't have to. I'm fully convienced that I would have been killed by those skinheads had I not protected myself. I'll keep packing.

Wow, great responses, all of you (especially the lighter fluid comment! haha). Thanks for the input. Some of you have also mentioned what I feel is important to me/my passenger safety, and that is the upclose situation. From ten feet away a douche with a gun can do what he likes and it would be out of my immediate control, and until I get a concealed carry he remains to have the upper hand. My personal space is my concern, and without the yelling and the "Cuban knife dancing" I have no problem acting fast and as precise as I can... and I don't believe there will be any damning testimony from his side if I do it right (and that's never 100%, I don't care who you are). Some people are broken, and allowing them to damage me isn't going to help them, so I have no hesitation about thinning the herd. FJRFencer, you are VERY correct in your comment. If you want to "show" a weapon put it in nice glass case, if you pull a weapon do it fast enough and with one purpose, and only if you know it had to be done. Being threatened from within arms reach is scary, Jack!

My very first and preferred choice is avoidance. So far luck, training, common sense, and vigilance have helped in that area.

Second is stern confrontation with a chance of it ending by talk or intimidation.

From then on it seems reaction is the key, hit and run? (that's not cowardly that's responsible) Hit and hit some more? (their choice)

I am a dad and a husband, and my ONLY goal is to push confrontation aside so I can be both of those until I'm old...

My only real intention with this post was to let those interested know that there is a place on the bike to stow a "last measure" device. But I like that it started this discussion.


It makes me sad that we live in a society where this type of discussion is necessary, but the truth is, it is necessary.

That being said, I'm a huge advocate for carrying a knife. Right now I have a 4" folder clipped to my pocket and 5" folders in my truck and my tank bag. Self defence is pretty low on my list for reasons to carry one. A knife is one of the most versatile tools ever made and is the #1 tool for survival if you were ever to to get stuck in a remote area without access to or reception from a cell phone.

Tasers are great less lethals, aerosol weapons aren't my favorite since you have to worry about winds blinding you with your own weapon.

"Never bring a knife to a gun fight" is a very true statement. Equally true would be "never bring a gun to a knife fight". Each has it's time and place.

Even though I wouldn't do it myself, it's a very interesting set up you came up with. Pics would be great.

Not sure how true the story line is but it goes something like below.... SEE PHOTOS before you rule out knifes..... (but IMHO don't bring a knife to a gun fight....)
Just a thought...

I would prefer a link to graphic photos.

Edit (for clarification):

Instead of posting your graphic images, please have a link to them with a warning like "graphic" or "NWS" or just "emergency room photos".

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Seems to me that carrying a knife in a position you could reach it on a bike may constitute "carrying a concealed weapon without a permit". In Kali, weapons (other than pocket knifes under a certain length) cannot be carried in a vehicle in easy reach. This is for officer's safety. I don't know the rule in Utah. However, I would worry if I were pulled over and the po saw a weapon in reach. Would the po over react? Would he be pissed and give me a full ticket? Would he want to look for other weapons.

I keep pepper spray in easy reach and just avoid hot heads.

As neat as it might be to mount a knife on the bike (on the right side?) The likelyhood of finding this handy when needed does not seem very good. If you can only get the knife when you are on the bike, and (if using your right hand?) you must be stopped, holding the bike up or on the sidestand...??

If you are on the bike and stopped, you are likely holding the front brake , so a knife on the right seems a poor location.

If you are on the bike, how do you really expect to wield the weapon? Anyone that would be attacking you would likely just kick you and the bike over and go from there.

Trying to hold up your bike and violently slash out with a knife also sounds like a good way to loose your balance.

SO, if you are on the bike, you would be better off using the bike itself as a weapon.

If you are not on the bike, and are being approached...you going to turn your back and start fumbling for the knife on the bike?

Put the knife where it is handiest, on you. A folding knife clipped to wear you can get to it with the least amount of movement is the way to go. (a person that might be a potential attacker will escalate a confrontaion quickly if he thinks you are reaching for a weapon)

Practice drawing/opening the knife. If right handed, learn to do this left handed ... (I sometimes carry a knife in both my left and right pockets)

And those divers knives that strap to your thigh or leg are handy too...


Do check with you local laws as each state has very diffrent "wordings" on what constitutes a concealed or illeagal weapon.

Oddly here I can ride with that divers knife stapped to my leg, but can get busted for a pocket knife with a blade longer than 3 inches......


Thanks, KM, for the input, much of it valid. I have much more of an affinity for my life than my bike and if there arose an incident where I did need "assistance" (the knife) the last thing I am worried about is the bike.. it can be replaced.. or not, but my life is a onetime thing. getting kicked off the bike is almost better than being a captive of it... off the bike I have more options, including running if that be the case (I actually am a runner so it will sure be on the short list! Also have martial art training, but that is never a written guarantee). I have to say no situation is perfect and there is always something better that could be done in hindsight, but at least it is an option in some unknown percentage of situations, and that might make the difference in the only one that matters.

No, it's not meant for pulling out while riding, as was mentioned before, if the bike is running and I'm lucid I prefer to use HP over S&W! No doubt. I am never looking for a fight. But rifling thru a tankbag cannot be quicker than a half-reach. Besides, if the SOB knows anything about bikes he will be sooo distraught at my bike tipping over that he will shut down and go into mourning for my Blackcherry plastic! Then I got him!

Signing out for today... maybe before I get back Skyway will make us a mount for a can'o'spray, or a blackjack holder, maybe a "false" trim piece that just happens to telescope out with the force of a Tyson punch, or bar ends that squirt a cloud of green gas like the Penguins umbrella did!? Gentlemen and ladies... start inventing! I sure want the upperhand when I need it.


If you are going to carry, you had best be prepared to take a life. If you cannot 100% commit to that, put the toy up, cause thats all it is.

Why not just a hip clip pocket knife? I can have mine ready in less than .5 sec. It has a 4 inch blade.
The goal of anyone who carries a weapon whether it be gun, knife or choosing to use a blunt weapon it not to kill.
I agree, that is the goal.

But if the situation has presented itself in such a manor, that I feel I need to draw a weapon for protection. The purpose is not to wave it around all flashy like, sayin "get back or I'll....."

If It is to the point of coming out, it is to the point of use.... for me anyway.
No, no, no....don't get me wrong. If it comes to drawing your weapon, you bet us it. There is nothing to be gained from simple branishing. The argument that just the sight of the gun will stop a bad guy is total.....well, bunk. My statement was pretty self explanitory that the intent for carrying a concealed weapon for protection it not so that someday you mayhave the opportunity to kill someone. That is just plain sick. Everyone who carried a waepon of any type needs to really examine the implications even if the weapon is a 'buck knife'. Yes, if you have to draw it, use it but that the the LAST resort after you have dine your due dilligence.

best post in this thread so far.

if you're on foot at an atm, completely different scenario.

but on a bike? no way. use the bike to get away from the threat, or use the bike to neutralize the threat.






As neat as it might be to mount a knife on the bike (on the right side?) The likelyhood of finding this handy when needed does not seem very good. If you can only get the knife when you are on the bike, and (if using your right hand?) you must be stopped, holding the bike up or on the sidestand...??
If you are on the bike and stopped, you are likely holding the front brake , so a knife on the right seems a poor location.

If you are on the bike, how do you really expect to wield the weapon? Anyone that would be attacking you would likely just kick you and the bike over and go from there.

Trying to hold up your bike and violently slash out with a knife also sounds like a good way to loose your balance.

SO, if you are on the bike, you would be better off using the bike itself as a weapon.

If you are not on the bike, and are being approached...you going to turn your back and start fumbling for the knife on the bike?

Put the knife where it is handiest, on you. A folding knife clipped to wear you can get to it with the least amount of movement is the way to go. (a person that might be a potential attacker will escalate a confrontaion quickly if he thinks you are reaching for a weapon)

Practice drawing/opening the knife. If right handed, learn to do this left handed ... (I sometimes carry a knife in both my left and right pockets)

And those divers knives that strap to your thigh or leg are handy too...


Do check with you local laws as each state has very diffrent "wordings" on what constitutes a concealed or illeagal weapon.

Oddly here I can ride with that divers knife stapped to my leg, but can get busted for a pocket knife with a blade longer than 3 inches......

I think I will fashion a shoulder strap for my cordless chainsaw. That's legal if I just use it to remove limbs. :dribble: :dribble: :blink: :blink:

There has been a lot of great advice in this thread and I want to add my .02 as a member of the law enforcement community. First option as previosly stated LEAVE, on foot, on the bike, whatever. Make some distance to give yourself time to react. Second, don't take off any of your riding gear, its designed to handle highspeed impacts and will greatly reduce the effects of any blunt object(fists) used to attack you. Three, if you are the first one to show a weapon YOU will escalate the encounter from a road rage shouting match to a fight and place yourself at risk of criminal charges. Finally, if all else fails and you are Physically attacked or a weapon is brought into the confrontation, then, and only then, are you legally justified in using a knife, gun or other weapon to defend yourself. Stay safe and don't let your temper get the best of you.

Of course my question is .... who is attacking bikers?

Seems we are not the best group to pick on..

I'm wearing a full face helmet and am ensconced in Kevlar...who wants to **** with me?

You can't tell who is beind that facesheild , or if all those buldges are muscles or padding... Seems you'd be taking a big risk picking on a biker in the first place.



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