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my $.02- he's full of shit. we've got some pretty connected people on this board (warchild comes to mind), and this schmuck thinks he's got the inside scoop?

Is it Friday, yet?
Hey! That's my line! :****:
Check the times Gerbil Boy. I was first. Neener neener neener..........

And of course, how could I forget..........

Damn. Well, all that one-handed typing you do really pays off, eh?

Oh, and SUNNY?


Throw it back. It ain't worth it. ;)

my $.02- he's full of shit. we've got some pretty connected people on this board (warchild comes to mind), and this schmuck thinks he's got the inside scoop?
Hey now!

Just like cold's possible.

besides, isn't the paparrazzi too busy taking pictures of britney spears' bush?

At least he is an egrerious troll. Leaving him alone unless or until he no longer entertains us.....or bites somebody.


...always talk about trolls in the third person is my rule...

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Close the freaking thread. We don't need to be his entertainment. He lowers the standard here.


Lower standards? What standards? Nobody told me anything about standards!!! :p

Dang! I woulda placed money on downn2/starcruiser.

And yo, Igmeister, it's jolly ol England.

I think.

Well, that was a bit of all right. Big smiles. Got a good chuckle from all the chuckleheads. (Okay, I'll even include myself.) :rolleyes:

Just send him you bank account number and he promises to withdraw only what he thinks the information is worth.

Just send him you bank account number and he promises to withdraw only what he thinks the information is worth.
What info? He gave it all up in the first post. I want to pay to see a photo of this alleged thing just so he can have some credibility?

I just wanna know what freakin' color(s?) it will be, but I can wait. Maybe I can just pick up a copy of The Weekly World News and get the scoop there.

O.K. Sunny, I'll give you one whole U.S. dollar for a picture, it'll save me the trip to the grocery store. Payable on delivery, as I'm a credible member here and you're the Noob. Just send it, along with the bill, to my email link. :agent:

He left out the 'FJR1800' part. That info in gonna cost. Big money for that one.

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