Strange Bumps on Hands Only

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I can't make a diagnosis, but for heaven's sake, don't masturbate untill you see your doctor!

Okay, I haven't had a chance to get to my doctor yet, but I have these very small bumps, like little water blisters, on my hands. Only on my hands, started popping up on Tuesday on the edge of my palm. I though it was just some sort of heat rash or something, then they started showing up on my fingers in different locations. Sometimes they itch, other times I don't even notice, but it is only on my hands, no other part of my body. Has anyone ever seen this or had experience with it. Would like some insight before seeing my Doc on monday, if I can get in.

I get those every year. I do not have them now but for me it is seasonal. Going to the Dr was a waste of time. I don't worry about them anymore.

Something else actually did occur to me a while ago. Did you just get new gloves or something?
I have been using the same gloves for over a year now, so probably not the culprit. I contacted my Doctor for an appointment and the nurse told me to go to my pharmacist and see what he could do with over the counter meds. It is starting to disipate now and thanks to Docsullivan, I believe I figured out what it was and will keep an eye on it in the future. Also dumping my Doctor and getting a new one that will atleast look at things first.
