Street Masters Cornrnering Workshop

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Street Masters Which date?

  • 12 June

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10 Sep

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 22 Oct

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12 Nov

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
OK Wheaton you and me bud. We take off Fri, Mon and Tues. We mosey on out there doing two 15 hour days. We catch the class Sun and then blast for home. Should be a piece o cake.
Wheaton, Bullet, I'm in St. Louis... you serious 'bout going at all? 'Cause I might just be convinced to make the trek myself! B)

I'm booked in for June 10th and took the liberty of having Mike & Rick's names pencilled in.

We'll be riding "down" though -_-
So that's potentially four FJRs plus a wannabe. (In a poor light, the K1200S looks almost as nice as an FJR).



I'm in! I faxed the stuff off to Jan today and she called and confirmed. Check will be in the mail tomorrow. Rick is prolly not going to make it but his friend/co-worker with the V-Strom may join in his place.

Oh boy, riding with the Rogdebs again. :D And taking Hwy 40-Hwy 120 over Tioga Pass-Lee Vining for lunch at the Mobil Station. :yahoo: And Jill, just how hard do you have to "squint" at DH's bike? How about I leave my reading glasses off?

Hmm, I'm not sure why the first post indicated the minimum number of riders to be 32. On the website, in the FAQ, they indicate that any group of 4 or more people are eligible for the 15% discount. So it seems to me that everyone who voted for the June class qualifies, if they all register and pay. Me, I'm really considering the September class, though I'll have to hoof it out from St. Louis.....

Hay all I'm back. I was off riding my first Rally and let this slide. I should be getting a bit of information out this evening.

If you guys didn't already know, DH and I have had to cancel our Streetmasters class for June. He doesn't have a bike anymore, and only has one intact limb. Not much riding in his immediate future. He can't even move around in his hospital bed. He hopes to ride again, when he gets through rehab but it's early days yet.


Yee-Freakin'-Haw! What a fun day....uhm, I put 100+ miles on my bike at the workshop. Gotta love that "free-tracktime" after our graduation laps. The "Horsethief Mile" is plenty technical and challenging.

The next farkle you should buy for your FJR is this class. It'd be the best money you'll ever spend on your bike ($500, if you include the room and meals), and it might just save your life.

As has been reported elsewhere, we had a great mixture of bikes, cruisers, an Ultra-Classic, a number of Goldwings, BMWs (an LT and a couple of GS's), a couple of Honda ST's, etc. Roger really liked the Triumph Tiger! You'll see the pictures when I get them posted up tomorrow. One Goldwing was from New Orleans and this was his second class (there were a few who were returnees).

Rogdeb and I took some really twisty roads home and we'll be posting those pictures in a separate thread but I will tell you the corners were easier and we were MUCH smoother and not surprised by any corner. This workshop is worth more than they charge for it. Of course, it'll be up to us to continually work on and apply what we were taught but we already see a difference.

Our instructor was former racer and riding school owner Dennis Pegelow. A gentle man and a great coach (I can still here his voice in my head, "Mike, you need to get wider on that entry." Or, "Wider, mike,'re turning in to soon.") BTW, Dennis' coaching style really helped me "work through" some remnant mental anguish I had (on left had turns w/ no outside marker) from my "Cliff Diving" episode with the '04.

Meeting Walt Fulton (What a fun and funny guy, and just as common a man as you'll ever meet.) and Nancy Foote (As gracious, kind and accommodating as Walt), both of whose columns and contributions to magazines we've all read, was really great. Bob and Jann are just super people.

This "team" (the entire staff) bent over backwards to help, guide, encourage and teach all I was ready and able to glean from them. And I am just one of 30 people in the class. In fact there were a couple of riders who were struggling and I saw 3 different intructors pull them aside one-on-one and work with them. This is truly an amazing group of people who want to turn us into better trained riders. Kudos to Bob and Jann and their dedicated workers who make this workshop as valuable a tool as it is.

Down to business:

I'm not trying to take over for Tim, but Jann needs to hear from everyone who wants to take the Sept. class. Tinker, where are you?? There is another group who also want a Sept. date, so Jann needs to know if there will be enough FJRs to have a "stand-alone" FJR class on Sunday the 10th or to fold the FJRs into the Sat., 9/9 class. (A couple of instructors said if there is an FJR specific class they're bringing their sportbikes to teach on.)

The Semi-Official List:







worldbound4now (and friend on BMW?)




The Relic




That's only 15......Anyone else? Time to "fireup"!

I'd go to the website here and fax or call as they're waiting to hear from you.

In the meantime, here are a few pictures to whet your appetite:

This is Rogdeb (On the beautiful Red-Silvey) and his group being briefed by Walt Fulton.


Another piccie of the group with a "class" passing on the track above them.


A line-up of the group that has finished and waiting for graduation. Quite a mix of bikes! A V-Rod and a Street-Rod, the others you should recognize. That's my '05 next to the guy in the black shirt, with my jacket on the windshield. The yellow Gold Wing is the gentleman from New Orleans (yes, he managed to save all 3 of their motorcycles but had 3' of water in the house.) A couple of Harleys: 1 Ultra Classic and 1 Road Glide. On the end is a Yamaha GTS, the owner in the red jacket. The gentleman in the foreground is Bob Harris, who owns Wing Worx in Rancho Cordova, about 2 miles from the Rogdebs.


Walt Fulton, on the left, and Dennis Pegelow. No doubt discussing the possibility of teaching a group of hooligan FJR owners they've heard about.


Bob Reichenberg (In the yellow instructor's vest) addressing the entire class before graduation.


THE Rogdeb receiving his diploma. The staff, l-r: Chris Sidah (in the white T-shirt), Sandy Sidah, Bob Reichenberg (red hat/riding jacket), Walt Fulton, Doug Harmon and Mark Hassell (White shirt and floppy hat was our "Practice Pad Guru").


The Staff: Chris and Sandy Sidah, Bob Reichenberg, Walt Fulton, Doug Harmon, Mark Hassell, Charlie Coyner, Mike Douglas (Practice Pad Guru), Nancy Foote (Track Marshall), Rogdeb (In the black T-shirt) and Dennis Pegelow.


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Depending on Andy's progress in recovery, we might be up for the September class. If so, I'm riding my FJR and he will be riding something brand new and shiny. We have a credit from the June class. After reading the above write up, I'm even MORE convinced that we both need this class now. It will be a great re-entry to riding after the distress caused by the accident.


I'll ride out from here in Denver for the Sept class. I'll repost as soon as I can confirm.

edit: oops .. not going. Too many other rides. Definitely next year! Thanks for posting this as I had not heard of it before.

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Rog is having problems with his account, so he emailed his pictures to me. Now I get to post his stuff and give them captions and he can't edit them..... :rofl: Whatta trusting soul, eh! :blink:

Before every pad exercise (or track exercise) the instructor reads what the exercise is and what we are to do. Mike Douglas, who owns a SoCal Goldwing business, is checking something on the New Orleans 'Wing.


Mike Douglas is addressing the students while Mark Hassell is demonstrating what the class is to do.


The "final command" for the exercise is, "Suit up and mount up!" It looks like Roger is trying to remember the instructions!?!?!?!? Or he's adjusting his glasses prior to getting on the bike......


Here are a couple of the lightweight bikes preparing to do the "pad exercise".


This would be Rog (Since Deb is taking the picture) getting ready to take "Red-Sylvie" onto the pad.


Hey, who put this ugly mug in the middle of these pictures?

For the uninitiated, this would be Madmike2, the owner of the other FJR at this class.


After the pad exercise, the groups are lined up for a briefing prior to participating in a track activity.


Hey, lookee here! Roger is #4 in line at this part of the exercise. Every track exercise starts with the instructor leading 2 laps (As in this photo--notice the reflective vest in the lead), at the backstretch he then flags the 1st student to lead 2 laps. That student then pulls over on the backstretch , the #2 student leads the instructor and the other students while the former #1 falls to the rear.


Its a pretty good system because the instructor keeps the bikes "tight" and always rides the correct line so, as you are following, you can compare what the student is doing and see what line the instructor is riding and, hopefully, make mental notes for when it is your turn to "be observed".

Then there is a debriefing where the instructor critiques problem areas for you to work on during the next track session.....when the speed goes up.

For Your Information, The Horse Thief Mile was offered to the Porsche Club to race on. They declared it TOO DANGEROUS.

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Excellent read....extra credit for the pics....makes me want to leave work and go for a ride.

Thanks for posting Mike :)

Oh - and thanks to Deb for the camera work :)

I managed a few of the "ride report" then my photobuck account got a little weird again!

BIG DITTO to every good thing Mike had to say about the class, the administrators, and the instructors.

We were lucky enough to have Dennis Pegelow (of DP Track Schools) as one of our instructors :) , and his teaching style was wonderful - as was all of the instructors I might add.

Deb took a book to the class to keep her occupied while I rode, she didn't pick it up once as she got too involved with what was happening. She was even taken for a pillion ride herself up to a high vantage point so she could watch the graduation rides and appreciate the many grades and cambering of the track (thanks to Nancy)

If you have to spend some cash this September, THIS SCHOOL is a MUST !! Can't begin to thank them all enough.

Silver Penguin & DH -- sorry we missed you :( , hope all is going better than just "well"

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Okay, all of you who want to take the September class.....

Jann has only heard from 2 people. she needs you to register ASAP. The money doesn't have to be paid until Aug. 9th, but she needs to get you folded into the class.

SEPT. 9th is the new date. Obviously she hasn't heard from 30 owners so there won't be an FJR specific day on Sept. 10th, however, if we can get enough riders signed up, she will "set aside" teachers/space so that the FJRs and friends/family can be together, AND, the instructors will be teaching on sportbikes (her words). Anyone from the forum and their friends or relatives will be included at the 15% discount.

Sooooo, go to Streetmasters, find the "How to enroll" page and sign up.

This can be done by fax, and that information is on the "enroll" page. I have already used some of the lessons learned at this workshop and I heartily recommend it.

Okay, all of you who want to take the September class.....
Jann has only heard from 2 people.
Well, I must be one of them as I faxed my form in a couple of weeks ago. Heard from them on Monday about the Sept 9th class, and now "my check is in the mail"! So how about it people? This sounds like a great safety class!
Also we'd be helping Mike out. I understand that as part of their marketing outreach program, class graduates can make arrangements with Streetmasters to receive a small finder's fee (kickback) on any recruits that they can enlist in the following 6 months; however, they must meet an agreed minimum quota. It's alright to let folks know about this, isn't it Mike? ;)

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