Streets & Trips with Garmin Zumo 450

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Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Walla Walla, WA
FNG Post.

I downloaded Microsoft Streets & Trips and I've sort of figured out how to make a route. It looks pretty good with nice features.

My problem is how to convert the file formats to something the Garmin Zumo can read.

Is this practical?

How is it done?

I definately appreciate the help.

Google GPSU.
And in the event you think that $50 bucks is a lot of money for this utility, please consider this from Maura, an Endurance Ralliest:

"A lot of us use GPSU, and consider it an essential tool for LD riding. It isn't the only software of this type, but it is the favorite in this community. It is the work of one man, Alan Murphy , who is a retiree (from IBM) and a sailing enthusiast. He generously provides a free version of his work so you can check it out and use it for no payment whatsoever. If this meets your needs, that's great, use it, enjoy it. He also offers a more capable version, for which he charges a very small fee, $60. This is a lifetime fee, you get all the new versions in the more capable form. He is constantly updating the program, at it since 1999, the latest, version 4.98, released Oct 15, 2008. If you need support, there is no 1-800 number, no underpaid cubicle dweller to answer your question, there is Alan himself, who will patiently answer your email. I imagine he puts most of his effort into developing the best utility he can, and not so much into security or disabling the freeware version of his software. If you use this software enough to need the more capable registered version of it, I urge you to show your appreciation for this great resource and pay Alan for it...



Vancouver, Canada"
