Strokes, recovery and my fjr.

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You need to trade some stories with TurboDave. Maybe go to the DMV with TurboDave and challenge anyone one of the workers to hang with Dave for 1500 miles or you thru some twistees?

Your passion is inspirational Wink. Love to hear it!

But do please listen - actually listen - to the docs. My Mom wen through this and we learned that the reason the DMV requires re-test is that having one stroke increases your chances massively for another. More, and what concerns me for you is that a number of strokes can result in limited function for a short period. Basically, the brain turns off for periods of seconds or more, which can be pretty ugly on a bike. My Mom remembered getting to the top of a set of stairs and woke in a heap at the bottom with a broken arm. No idea how she got there till they found the bleed. I'm sure Jill or Mary Ellen can be more specific if needed.

We want to keep you around!

Good on ya Wink ! Truly inspirational and positive dude. I've never had a stroke but i have had 9 heart attacks, 5 bypasses and I'm tickin' ( in a good way !) on my 2nd pacer/defib...I actually have disabled plates on the fjr. I weaned myself off all meds, except a water pill, after my insurance ran out and adopted a pesca-vegan lifestyle. Dr Dean Ornish wrote an excellent book i use as my health bible, " Reversing Heart Disease ". I still imbibe intoxicants on occasion, but mostly i abide. Except for the pacer replacement, I havent seen a heart doctor in almost 5 years...I have no insurance or money, they have no interest, balls, or hearts. Not all, but most...ER Docs are the best and I ride with a few....Klazy as me for sure ! Anyway, you stay healthy as ya can and keep at it.....they'll pry that cold hard throttle from our hands pilgram !!! Live whilst Alive !

Blessings Dude !


Racer, I went back and read your burned out FJR post. I guess you and your bike have womething in common - rise up, brother! Now if the Feej burned and were restored 3 more times, it would have caught up to you! Seriously though, your story is very inspirational. Congrats on get your license back!

Personal question - do you ever worry about another stroke while you're riding? A coworker of mine (and really nice guy) died while riding his 'wing a few years back. It was determined that he had a stroke, but that was not what killed him. Ramming into the Jersey barrier did him in.

I am writing this in the hope I can help other fjr riders through what I have survived. My name is Wink and I saved my fjr from the junk man. My fjr saved me. If you look at "2005 Burned fjr" post you know how I got my fjr. About six months later after I recovered from a lay down to avoid a mini van I repaired the same bike and have added 7000 miles to her. Then on a sunday morning I suffered my fourth stroke. I was taken to UCSF medical center and lost the complete use of the left side of my body. The doctors did their best, but I kept loosing function, they were treating me with a drug called HEPPERIN. I had been treated with a drug called "PLAVIX" and had responded to it so I asked if we could try PLAVIX with in two days I was able to move my little finger. Two weeks later I was moved to a rehab hospital. I regainened the use of the left side of my body some what and was discharged. I found out later the HEPPERIN I was given came from CHINA and was defective. It took me six months til I could squeeze the clutch on my beloved fjr, but I was determined to ride again. Then I received a letter from DMV the Doctors had reported my stroke to the DMV and they REVOKED my License. The problem was they sent the letter to the wrong address and by the time I got it I had ridden almost 1500 miles on my bike and 2000 miles dodge truck. I read the DMV letter; I cried. It was the worst day of my life! I now had to prove to the DMV people I could drive a car and I had to retake the DMV motorcycle test. Everyday I would go out to my bike and squeeze the clutch over and over. I got stonger I went in and passed their tests AGAIN! What the state of California does is Horrable! I have to take PLAVIX the rest of my life; but I can RIDE! These are some symptons of stroke: sudden blearded vison, a loss of consentration, motor skill. 50% of all people over 50 have already had at least one stroke don't ignor sysptoms see your doctor.
I have atrial fibrilation and am just realizing the chance for stroke that I have. My mothers side of the family has a history of strokes. Not something to look forward too. I will look forward to riding till I absolutly can't anymore.


I found out later the HEPPERIN I was given came from CHINA and was defective.
Wink, you have gone thru so much, and your perseverance sets the bar for us all. I am very happy that you never gave up, and proved "the man" wrong, but happier that you are again able to do what you love. The big thing I see in your post is the defective Chinese drug -- when are we going to finally make the Chinese accountable for the garbage product that they send us? This is not the place for that discussion, but reading your post also made me angry because of that. Hope to see you on the road one day!

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Racer157, congrats on your recovery. I also had a stroke in June 2010 and today I am about 99% recovered. Worked my butt off in rehab therapy including physical work and also did water/pool therapy. at the four month point I felt that I was cognizant and had sufficient balance that I could ride my FJR and WeeStrom. It was great to get back safely on the bikes, it boosted my confidence that life would return somewhat to pre-stroke ddays. Mine was caused by Plavix as I am now determined to be a person with a severe negative reaction to it. I am also not taking any asprin per doctors. My right side was affected but is now only slight weaker in strength of the right arm. I also suffered a severe face plant fall on my my on a tile floor causing severe bleeding for 7 hours and having 7 transfusions. Not a good thing!!

so far I have not suffered any other strokes thanks to God. Hang tough and enjoy life and riding as I do.

damn, way to go Wink I'm sure it took way more effort just to regain use of your whole body then it took to learn to ride your bike way back when. My hats off to you. Good luck

Holy crap.

Thank you both Wink and TurboDave for sharing...

My take-away is that not all drugs work for every 'body'.

I've had issues too - but nothing like you two..

I'm so happy both of you are back to riding, safely -

Let's ride!

Don, I am also happy to be back riding and other things in life and I feel certain that applies to Wink and others also. Thanks for caring buddy and being a good friend. :clapping:

Hi everyone

Its me racer157. The stastic of 50% came from my doctor at U.C.S.F. in San Fronsisco. It does include T/A s. I hope this helps.


Racer, I went back and read your burned out FJR post. I guess you and your bike have womething in common - rise up, brother! Now if the Feej burned and were restored 3 more times, it would have caught up to you! Seriously though, your story is very inspirational. Congrats on get your license back!

Personal question - do you ever worry about another stroke while you're riding? A coworker of mine (and really nice guy) died while riding his 'wing a few years back. It was determined that he had a stroke, but that was not what killed him. Ramming into the Jersey barrier did him in.
Thats a great question. I really don't because I am much more in tune with my body now. As long as I respond well to Plavix and the other meds I will continue to ride with in my limits. I ride slower now and really miss rideing partner larry. I don't feel safe riding 20 to 30 mile an hour over the speed limit as he does. I know I'll never race again but at least I can glide over the ribbons of road with the wind in my face.

