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Active member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
conifer, CO
Yesterday, while riding in the Catskills, I was stung by a bee I hit with my head. Note to self - no more riding with visor up. I managed to get bike to side of road without crashing - just barely. I am allergic, and carry an epi-pen, but by the time I could get it, I was entering severe reaction status, and managed to botch the injection. I lay by side of road for awhile until a good citizen stopped. He called for help, I was transported about 50 miles to ER. Spent all afternoon there, had to borrow money from their petty cash to get back to bike. Home about midnight.


- be sure to carry epi-pen where it is accessible

- know how to use it

- carry plenty of cash - cabs don't take plastic, and I needed $105.

- ride with visor down, dummy

- OBTW, FJR has excellent night lights - my first night ride

Yeah. Been caught in NM with a hornet down my jacket. Got stopped by a statey not 30 minutes later. He'd have cracked up if he'd seen me dancing earlier. Epi-Pens should be on your person when riding (IMO). You'll already take time getting your riding pants off so give the injection. No sense knowingly created even more delay by stashing somewhere on the bike.

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Must have been a scary situation. The majority of insect related deaths in America are caused by honey bees. For those allergic it can be live and death situation in just a few minutes, a reminder to those who are allergic to be prepared!

Glad you came out of it relatively unscathed. I can add another tip from personal experience. I was stung on the wrist this summer. Never even saw the critter, but it sure hurt like hell and my forearm was inflamed and swollen for two days.

I was riding along with the cuff zipper near the jacket sleeve open and the glove gauntlet tucked inside the jacket sleeve. This setup scoops up some air for better ventilation and comfort while you ride along. I scooped up an angry hornet, or wasp, or bee, or something. Anyways, it got me good. From then on I zipped the sleeve closed and wore the gloves with the gauntlet over the jacket. Now bees just bounce off. :)

Got hit on my drz a few years ago with what felt like sand in the face ( open face mx helmet) Well it was bees, & one got me on the snozz! Can't imagine if I would have been allergic!

Wow, that sucks! Glad you made it home in one piece!

I got stung at the corner of an eye one day while riding my 454 Kawi LTD from the barracks around to the other side of the base back in my USMC days. Visor up, sunglasses on, bee got wedged under glasses frame. By the time I reached the shop at the squadron, my eye was swollen shut, lol. Got the night off.

Glad you are ok... Thats a rough way to spend an afternoon/evening and 105$

Speaking of stings... I'm not allergic, but I got stung right on the left nipple last week while doing about 80... pretty exquisit, and a distraction to say the least... I thought it was a piece of glass or somthing sharp kicked off the front tire til it started that burny feeling... and then it was confirmed when the bee began stingin me on the right side of my stomach... was in my shirt when i got to work. He's on my desk now.. I just might have him mounted...

I'm usually in at least a jacket... but decided it was nice..and only 2.5 miles... so just the polo... not buttoned...stupid.

I'm in the catskills..this reminds me I should probably get my name on the help list... I'll look for the how to...

Mounting a bee is not all that easy, since they are so small, and have small "parts". Just ask Bustanut.

But good advice about joining the FJR help list. It would be good if more folks pitched in there.

It must have something to do with the Catskills. I've never been stung on the bike before until a couple weeks ago in the Catskills. Little bastard was hiding in the helmet liner and crawled out to commit suicide by stinging my ear a few miles down the road. Lesson learned, always check under the liner before putting on the lid.

man, scary story and one I can relate to!!

one time I was on the FJR and had my full face helmet visor cracked about a quarter inch or less and a damned honey bee got in and stung me on the left cheek and I swelled up like a melon for a day in spite of benadryl...
