Stupid Avatar

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Carnifex, that is a BIG bummer. We built a 2 story house 10 years ago with rooms for 3 elderly in-laws in the back. We figured there might be occasions they would want to go upstairs, so we installed an inclinator. Its a chair on a rail that you sit in and it automatically takes you up and down the stairs.


Avatar curse, eh ? Ha Ha bring it on !

My mother in law has been living with us since November , was supposed to be for just the holidays, now its permanent. We're moving her to a downstairs bedroom this weekend so she doesn't pull a Carni.

Hope you heal soon and well Carnifex !

Avatar curse, eh ? Ha Ha bring it on !
And please hurry!

I guess those of us without an Avatar should be OK. Or does this mean the door is wide open for anything :eek:

Get well soon.

Hey this could work out for me... that slowly receding hairline I've got might just reverse itself... course I'll look like the wolfman... but sacrifices sometimes have to be made!

Get well soon...

Or does this mean the door is wide open for anything :eek:
When you least expect it...

Hey Carni- How you likin' those stairs these days? I hope your bedroom's not up there. GWS!

Drag about the leg. Heal quickly. My Aunt slipped just one step and broke her 2nd toe (our family tends to have a 2nd toe that is longer than the big toe). When she slipped, it grabbed first and got folded under as her weight kept coming.

Hey Carni- How you likin' those stairs these days? I hope your bedroom's not up there. GWS!
Actually my bedroom is upstairs. For now I'm sleeping in my little one's twin bed, which we moved into the dining room, along with a TV, recliner, etc. It's now the "Dining and conference area" :)

I'm actually making out pretty well 3 weeks in - not a lot of pain, I'm rarely taking the pain meds, and the stairs aren't the challenge they were at first. Crutches do wonders for upper body strength. I'm headed back to work this week, but the hour car ride is a little daunting.

This weekend did suck - 75-80 degrees both days (and today as well). My dad rode over on his Warrior yesterday and I sorta wanted to kick it over in the driveway. I can't wait to get back riding.

Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts.

For some reason i cannot download a avatar? But i can put a image in my signature area.

For some reason i cannot download a avatar? But i can put a image in my signature area.

Too many pixels....not that I'm complaining mind you ! :p
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Saw the Dr. yesterday - everything is healing "very" well. I go back on the 17th, and if things are still healing well I should be able to start walking then.

Here's to hoping I'm back in the saddle by my birthday on the 24th...

The AVATAR CURSE! To all who post beware!
And Sparky, let us know when the curse hits you...
I am not that lucky :D

Besides divorce is not something to look forward too :D

Well, went to the Ortho yesterday.

Everything is healing well. But four more weeks on crutches.

That's going to make a total of 12 weeks without unassisted walking.

And no riding.. The last time I was on my FJR was Dec 14th. I "might" be able to ride by the first of June.
