Stupid Avatar

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Holy cow Carnifex. I completely missed this post only to find I might have had a hand in your bad mojo. I've always been a batman fan so it seemed like a good avatar. Hope everything goes smoothly with your recovery and you get back in the saddle soon.

Man oh man, crutches really sux! I had left foot surgery and left knee surgery on 10/22/04 and was on crutches for weeks and weeks. Then my father-in-law passed away on 10/27/04 (5 days after surgery) and I had to drive 4 hours and attend funeral arrangements all while on pain meds as my wife obviously was in no shape to drive or handle things. I was off work for 4 weeks. The palms of my hands hurt like hell for about three weeks until they got use to the change. Manuvering around in the garage, in and out of the truck was a bitch. Hate to hear you have to deal w/them a bit longer, I know your ready to fly solo again.

So I switched to my cool "Do not fall down stairs" avatar a few weeks back, since my and TejasFJR were both using the same Batman logo. (You're a thief Tejas!)
And an injurer! Bad Tejas! You should ride to Carni's house and give him rides once he gets off the crutches. Get well Carni!

Holy cow Carnifex. I completely missed this post only to find I might have had a hand in your bad mojo. I've always been a batman fan so it seemed like a good avatar. Hope everything goes smoothly with your recovery and you get back in the saddle soon.
Shame on you! There is more than one Batman picture you could find on the net. Taking anothers Avatar is bad Karma. Why don't you 'steal' Warchild's Avatar and see what happens. :bleh: :haha:

I too missed this thread. Heal fast Carnifax. It sounds like your frustratingly close. I have a plate above my ankle and was around pretty fast afterwards. At times my ankel gives me some problems going down stairs. Follow the Quacks orders. Accidents ya just never know. TJ

Holy cow Carnifex. I completely missed this post only to find I might have had a hand in your bad mojo.
No worries, no worries.. I am itching to ride though - it wasn't so bad when it was still cold, but now that it's been sunny and in the 60's-70's every day it's hard to just sit here.

I am getting cool bike stuff for my B-day Monday, even though there will be no riding, I can sit around the house in my new Oxtar Matrixes (Matrices?), with my new Cortech coat and play with my TOG's and Magnum Blasters...

Avatar Cruse? BRING IT ON. look at that guy in my corner. got his headphones, cool sunglasses, hammock. Wife brings him cool drinks three squares a day. even bakes him special "treats" I could handle that ;)

Holy cow Carnifex.  I completely missed this post only to find I might have had a hand in your bad mojo.  I've always been a batman fan so it seemed like a good avatar.  Hope everything goes smoothly with your recovery and you get back in the saddle soon.
Shame on you! There is more than one Batman picture you could find on the net. Taking anothers Avatar is bad Karma. Why don't you 'steal' Warchild's Avatar and see what happens. :bleh: :haha:

I too missed this thread. Heal fast Carnifax. It sounds like your frustratingly close. I have a plate above my ankle and was around pretty fast afterwards. At times my ankel gives me some problems going down stairs. Follow the Quacks orders. Accidents ya just never know. TJ
Hey now, not that it means diddley, but I was here first and picked that avatar. Besides, I did eventually go out and get a different one. :ph34r: :ph34r:

Hmmm... wonder if I could change my username to AvatarThief?

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Yea, but I ummm.. made that avatar out of a wallpaper I have on my PC from a Photoshop forum.. I still have the original 1280 x 1024 desktop, along with about 25 other variations on Batman/Superman themes..

Yesterday, I jumped over a fence I was building (do it a few hundred times a week) and mis-planted and sprained my ankle. This morning I woke up with an orange on the side of my foot. It MUST mean I am no longer a waiter. I called the dealer, sure enough the bike has made it to the warehouse in Atlanta and should arrive Thursday and ready to go Fri.

Hell, If I had known THAT was all it took to get a bike, i woulda twisted it months ago :lol:

Avatar curse! Hmmm... I am not sure what this means in my case?

Keep healin fast Carni!

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For some reason i cannot download a avatar? But i can put a image in my signature area.

Heeere kitty kitty kitty... :dribble: :dribble: :dribble:
Mine aren't as big, but you "smile

" when you see them!

When we bulit our new house, the one we are living in currently, we DID NOT want ANY steps. So there are none! Not even those stupid two steps leading into the house from the garage. It is great. Our previous house was a tri-level, LOTS of steps there, couldn't go anywhere without going up or down some steps. It was nuts. We didn't realize what a nusence steps were until we didn't have them. Now we are all smiles :D

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Rode today, for the first time, two days short of three months since I broke the ankle, and 5 months and 1 week since I last rode.

Man, it was great. Shifting is still a little awkward - I'm not used to the motion for upshifting yet, but a 30 mile run today got me back into it a bit.

Tomorrow I'm participating in the Patriot Guard ride for Cpl. Cory Palmer from my hometown.

It feels really good to be back.

Congrat's on getting back on the mount! Do us all proud at that service and watch out for those stairs!
