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Now that I think of it.. All those bicycles for rent along the roadsides in Vermont, and not ONE offered this option.
I'm thinking a guy could make a killing with something like that.
No, that is not a cost effective accessory. While it would certainly attract lots of business, the maintenance costs are astronomical.

Now that I think of it.. All those bicycles for rent along the roadsides in Vermont, and not ONE offered this option.
I'm thinking a guy could make a killing with something like that.
No, that is not a cost effective accessory. While it would certainly attract lots of business, the maintenance costs are astronomical.

Meh... Costs are not so much for the granola gurls in VT. They just want to get outta the house and away from their incestuous relations. 3 squares and a dry bed are all they ask. But I think I may be letting on too much about life in the north country. Now all you suthern bastids will wanna move up here in live in the cool (no cold) land of the free (or cheap) honey.

Here's a picture of my last date in Vermont:


Some of the locals think she looks like a rock star, but I think she's just some down home goodness. I think she even owns a few big houses, though I can't see how she can afford them with her looks and obvious age.

Oh my...words fail me.

Fred, you are drinking a few too many. Please, put down the bottle and step away.

It does not sound like it would be to my advantage to leave the swamp and go north. If the young ladies you describe are asking for three square meals a day, I don't need one. They should be cooking the three square meals.

May Heaven help me if my wife ever gets access to this forum...

Fred, that's effin' hilarious!!!

My company has several radio stations in VT, so I've spent some time there...and dated your girl's sister, I believe.....


Gary, you are on the right track - every other position is the correct one after a true CBA 2 hours in the saddle.

But, my friend, you are over thinking this.

I use two stretchie cords from and old and unused physical work out machine on each bar end.

Not so good for the twisties, I some time run out of stretch to make the corner.

For IBA interstates though?

Just set the tension and the ScreamingMeenie and snooze away until Atlanta shows up on the GPS!

I don't know about that Atlanta idea. If I'm ever gonna make it out to California this summer, I'd better be heading west long before I get to Atlanta... Planning on leaving here around June 14. Should end up pulling out of Springfield Mo. on Mon morning the 17th. Stay tuned for more heresy and rantings about my bar ends soon.


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