Sunday ride to Daytona-Anyone?

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Matt, are you talking this Sunday?
I can do just about any Sunday. Dan had mentioned the 9th but any work for me.

Might be in myself, if I can work it around my new, not so extended, family.

Always good to stretch the 109 with you FJR guy's.

BTW, Matt, Wade and Tom. I signed up with Carl for the Trike class, even though I don't qualify.

He is putting me on stand by if someone drops out at the last minute, or they can't fill all the openings.

Never know when a three wheeler (Spyder? ) might be in the future.

Oh say it ain't so!
It ain't so for hopefully, a long, long time.

I will be on two wheels as long as I can hold up a bike.

After that, who knows?

I think it will be fun to take the development course and you can't beat the price.

Back on thread,

Is the 9'th looking good for everyone?

Hey alright! Pulling the plastic this week for PM before EOM, but will have it buttoned up by Sunday. Will fire up the smoker friday. Getting off that AM and will meet anywhere y'all are.

Hmm, Daytona as a destination, never thought of that. I'll be getting off shift that AM and will be glad to show y'all our one twisty road.There are some springs for swimming within 45 minutes west of here also to start the ride back refreshed.

We've got some local guys here that might want to meet up also. I'll supply BBQ if it comes together.


Do not miss his BBQ, or little fish pond..........

Have fun ride safe......

Hey Wade, You guys gonna escort me in on Friday? I could run through that stretch instead of the usual drive down 75. Prolly work would be an issue. Anyway, the phone will be hooked up during cruising and sure wouldn't mind being woke up.

Dan, I'll see what I can do. Let me know the closer we get to the day/time you'll be passing by. Hell, you know me I'll ride to Daytona anytime of night just to be riding.

Bump! Made it into Lake Mary safe and sound yesterday evening. So what's up for tomorrow?

Nothing I am aware of, unless something came together off forum.

If anyone is heading for Daytona ride safe and have fun. Should be a beautiful day.

Probably heading for Savannah, myself, with a few locals.

No ride for me tomorrow, we picked up a new boat yesterday so that's what we'll be doing tomorrow. Safe ride to anyone who heads out.

Thanks to Brad for the TBS earlier this week!

Figured this is as good a place to post this: Performance award on the way back to TX... Happened in FL - 85 in a 70 = $180. Gulp! 1st ticket since 1990. :cry:

Figured this is as good a place to post this: Performance award on the way back to TX... Happened in FL - 85 in a 70 = $180. Gulp! 1st ticket since 1990. :cry:
Sorry to hear. Some awards are never good to get.

Makes me feel a little fortunate, however, as I, and a few Jax locals, blitzed 95 coming back from Savannah on Sunday. Between 80-90, on about a 60 mile stretch, to make some time. Just dumb luck, one, or all of us did not get nailed.

OK, it's not Daytona, but lots of nice back roads to get there and great bakery stuff.


Wife and I are going over for breakfast Saturday 10/6 and load up side cases with German bread. If anybody wants to go, we could meet in Deland or downtown Yalaha :D
