SuperBrace Installation

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Aug 6, 2005
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I have a question regarding the Superbrace (p/n 1129), what is the best method for removing the stock plastic fork guards during installation of the brace?

thanks, rp

Most common method: cut them off with a dremel. This is the easiest and fastest way, though you can't reuse them afterward.

Alternatively, you can remove the fork altogether, place a block of wood at the bottom lip of the fork protector (to use as a "drift"), and knock them loose with a mallet. Then you can slide them off from the top intact.

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No need to remove fork. Use a piece of wood as WC said with the forks in place and they will come right up. Then you can use a pair of metal snips and cut them in the back and they come right off.

Dremel is overkill and you risk it going through and hitting things you don't want.

Dremel has its place and this is not it IMHO.

No need to remove fork.
You do if you want to save the OEM protectors intact for possible future use. That was the point.
True but what would be the point?

Since the brace is going right where the original cover went the only part you really need to save is the front tall part if you plan to put it on the superbrace to entend the shorter cover. The part that cirlces the fork will be of little use even if intact unless you think you will want to replace it in the future.

Just didn't want to see someone take the forks off because they possibly misunderstood.

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I used a heavy exacto knife after Warchilds knock off method

then attached them (after more skillful cutting) -behind the Superbrace guards with two stainless screws

No need to remove fork.
You do if you want to save the OEM protectors intact for possible future use. That was the point.
True but what would be the point?
The point here is that some folks would like to retain their OEM fork protectors intact so that at some point in the future, should one decide to trade-in/sell their FJR, they can remove their spendy little Superbrace (to sell it separately, recouping their investment) and simply re-install the OEM fork protectors.

However, cutting them off is usually easiest/fastest, and then you can cut them down further so that only the "upright" portion of the fork protector remains, and epoxy that bad boy to the rearside of the Superbrace fork protector for greater coverage.

Regardless, it's not like OEM protectors cost an arm and a leg if you do need to re-install them in the future, so most folks would do just as well to cut 'em and be done with it....

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The point here is that some folks would like to retain their OEM fork protectors intact so that at some point in the future, should one decide to trade-in/sell their FJR, they can remove their spendy little Superbrace (to sell it separately, recouping their investment) and simply re-install the OEM fork protectors.
Man, when I sell my bikes/cars whatever I am too excited for the new purchase to go and do something like that :D

Of course communication, satellite, radar, and those types of farkles are too expensive to be my normal lazy self :D


I am eagerly awaiting my gull-wing SuperBrace, but I will also

take my old OEM forfk protectors off.

Anyone got pics related to how to attach the old taller (original)

protectors with the SuperBrace (sorry if there's something here

and I missed it)?

I'm a visual type, so for me, one picture is worth a thousand words.

So, I'm also thinking about a Powerlet install, since I keep having to

take my right-side tupperware off to keep my battery charged.'s what I want to do...Powerlet, Moko's and the SuperBrace.

I'm a novice at all this, so I hope I can do this by myself.

(Pics of the SuperBrace/OEM fork protectors would be great, though!)


I am eagerly awaiting my gull-wing SuperBrace, but I will also

take my old OEM forfk protectors off.

Anyone got pics related to how to attach the old taller (original)

protectors with the SuperBrace (sorry if there's something here

and I missed it)?

I'm a visual type, so for me, one picture is worth a thousand words.

So, I'm also thinking about a Powerlet install, since I keep having to

take my right-side tupperware off to keep my battery charged.'s what I want to do...Powerlet, Moko's and the SuperBrace.

I'm a novice at all this, so I hope I can do this by myself.

(Pics of the SuperBrace/OEM fork protectors would be great, though!)

Not real difficult. Just trim it to fit behind the one that comes with the brace. The big part is keeping it on. In Warchild's he uses ABS Cement (commonly available at Do-It Best, Home Depot, Lowes, etc) to glue his fender extender onto his fender. I bet this glue would be just the ticket without having to drill holes.

I just got the New-Improved-Gullwing-SuperBrace-Unobtanium III©, and plan on installing it when doing a fluid change during the winter doldrums here. With the forks off, piece of cake removing the factory guards. If it's been a while since you did a fluid change, now would be an ideal time to do it.

Last edited by a moderator:'s what I want to do...Powerlet, Moko's and the SuperBrace.
Don't know if you were asking for help on any of these but here is my 2 cents.


He is a member and gives 10% discounts and is a great guy to deal with. He will call and talk with you about any issues and help any way he can. He sells the Powerlet line.

Install of the Powerlet is straight forward. Just spend a few seconds making sure where you put it doesn't have the fuse block or cross bar or battery obviously in the way underneath. I used a unibit to make the hole. The Powerlet comes with ends that are open not a complete circle. I don't like those and they bend easily. I cut them off and put on regular female ends.

I used R&G Sliders and here is a link for the install.

R&G Slider Install

Bike Johnny's

I like the Motorcycle Larry's Brace and that is the one I have. MCL webpage for ForkBrace

TwoWheelNut has this one and I believe TWN was involved in helping Larry design his risers.

TwoWheelNut has this one and I believe TWN was involved in helping Larry design his risers.
And this is suppose to inspire confidence how? :D

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TwoWheelNut has this one and I believe TWN was involved in helping Larry design his risers.
And this is suppose to inspire confidence how? :D
Too funny. More to just show that MCL is known on this board and not someone you should be concerned about dealing with. To note MCL real job is in engineering for aerospace and defense so he is no back yard mechanic FWIW... His brace also shows to be stronger than many others FWIW

Thanks for the help, guys...

Okay, I think I understand...just epoxy the upright portion of the OEM guard

to the back of the short Superbrace problem there.

Sparky3008...Thanks for your efforts....don't know what I was thinking there.

It's clear as a bell...(DOH!!) Also, thanks for the tip with SportBikeEffects...I'll

have to order my Powerlet from him.

As far as a brace, I've already spent my cash on the SuperBrace (now I have

a 2nd and 3rd gen...the gull-wing is going on my bike, so I have one for sale).

Also, I already have the Moko's, so those will be going on as well.

Anyone recommend bar end weights? I was looking at at the Salamander,

but I'm not too sure...anyone have them? How do they look?

Radman...Unfortunately, due to my job, I don't get a chance to ride as

often as I like, so I probably wont need to change my fork oil for quite

some time, but you're right...forks off would be ideal, but it isn't needed.

Thanks again, gentlemen...always a pleasure (I love this forum). You guys

are great!!


TwoWheelNut has this one and I believe TWN was involved in helping Larry design his risers.
And this is suppose to inspire confidence how? :D
Too funny. More to just show that MCL is known on this board and not someone you should be concerned about dealing with. To note MCL real job is in engineering for aerospace and defense so he is no back yard mechanic FWIW... His brace also shows to be stronger than many others FWIW

It was Ojai Roy who helped MCL prototype his brace. I did the prototyping on his risers (both standard and 6 degree). Larry is completely responsible for the engineering, machining and specifications for the risers and brace. I will only take credit for the suggestion that he develop the 6 degree risers. I have the original Superbrace on my bike from a previous buy as Larry had not come out with his yet.

To correct you there sparky, Larry does indeed have an extensive engineering education and background, however, his main business was/is the design and engineering of top notch live bait wells, hence his other nom du forums, LivebaitLarry. You are correct in stating that he ain't no back yard mechanic. He's a pretty damn smart feller...

Hey Rad? If you put a couple of drops of STP on that brace it will further smooth out the front end. True. Andy told me so. ;)
