Surrounded by *******!

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Well forgive me, but is this year a whole lot different than the past few years? Don't you "live up north"? Isn't it supposed to get cold in the winter?
If you don't like the cold winters why don't you move down south where it's not quite so cold?
:lol: The Grumpster is living up to his moniker! ;)

Now Grumpy, I never said I didn't like living up here; in fact, I really love the High Desert of southeastern Washington. Our weather is very "continental", so in the extreme seasons, we have the extreme temps that go along with it. We have a goodly number of triple-digit temps in the summer, and a fair number of way cold temps in the winter. It's all part of the territory. B)

The original intent of this thread was describing FJR riding in the extreme cold (and, truthfully, to tweak on Iggy for not bringing his FJR to work - heh.... :D ).

That, and apparently to allow the Canadian contingent to display their love.... :lol:

So, what qualification would you guys put on 400 kms in 30-35 degrees, snow and rain? :unsure:
I believe Checkswrecks nailed it.... it's the Clint Eastwood question there.

OTOH, if you get caught out in the snow, meah, it's not so bad.....


........................and bitch about the weather, no matter what it is.
Snow day here today. Since when do they pull the buses off the road BEFORE the storm gets a head of steam?

(insider Canadian joke)

Next thing you know they'll be calling in the Militia to clear 3" of snow :D

Well forgive me, but is this year a whole lot different than the past few years? Don't you "live up north"? Isn't it supposed to get cold in the winter?
If you don't like the cold winters why don't you move down south where it's not quite so cold?
:lol: The Grumpster is living up to his moniker! ;)

Now Grumpy, I never said I didn't like living up here; in fact, I really love the High Desert of southeastern Washington. Our weather is very "continental", so in the extreme seasons, we have the extreme temps that go along with it. We have a goodly number of triple-digit temps in the summer, and a fair number of way cold temps in the winter. It's all part of the territory. B)

The original intent of this thread was describing FJR riding in the extreme cold (and, truthfully, to tweak on Iggy for not bringing his FJR to work - heh.... :D ).

That, and apparently to allow the Canadian contingent to display their love.... :lol:

So, what qualification would you guys put on 400 kms in 30-35 degrees, snow and rain? :unsure:
I believe Checkswrecks nailed it.... it's the Clint Eastwood question there.

OTOH, if you get caught out in the snow, meah, it's not so bad.....

You're a better man than I, Gunga Din! Warchild: I had to ride my 1966 BMW R60/2 for my 2 winters stationed at Reiss Kaserne in Augsburg, Germany. Was 5 kilometers from my off base housing to 5/32nd Artillery Barracks. I hated and dreaded snow day riding. I had bought my bike from my German landlord and he gave me a spare rear rim with a tire that had studs inserted. Even so, that freaking snow sucks! I shipped my "Schatzie" home in 1970 and I've never ridden snow since!

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Nice vid, thanks.

It's cold here, like 25f this morning. No way am I riding. I am a pansy pussy for sure. Time to try & get the FJR inside for the winter.

I wish I would have mounted my video camera because it was about 20 miles of lane sharing.
Seems I did shoot some video of a day exactly like this one when I used to commute into SF (albeit that day had less congestion than I had today, and wasn't quite as cold, only 34 ):

Surfing the freeway pipeline. B)

...two bikes that passed me at break-neck speed and disappeared up between the already fast-moving cars. And I thought, "Is that what I used to do???" :blink:
Um, well.... :yes: :yahoo:
Seriously, I did my share of winter riding when I was a young man in Pennsylvania. During my college years at Penn State my only transport was a 180 Yamaha. Round trip from the dorm to home and back was 250 miles. I'd position myself about 6 feet behind a semi and draft it. Crazy stuff but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Riding in the snow and ice was SOP back then.

Other than Warchild......Don't you people work???

The Blizzard is well under way outside my window right now and I still haven't put the bike away, maybe tomorrow.

Other than Warchild......Don't you people work???
The Blizzard is well under way outside my window right now and I still haven't put the bike away, maybe tomorrow.
job schmob, what's yer point????

I work...................sorta, kinda, once and a while, when forced to

Oh yeah, on that note, gotta hit the shower! :bye:

Hi, my name is Ignacio. And I'm a pussy.

I last rode my FJR in September where I rode about 17,000 miles in less than 3 weeks. With a flat tire and expired shock sitting in a Spokane parking lot I said something very Forrest Gumply, "I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now."

My FJR has since sit in the garage and I occasionally ride an XR650R, but mainly practice being a gash by driving around my Jetta. The electric seats and stereo have been very nice. I parked in front of Warchild's FJR and laughed in 11 degree weather.....I'm such a pussy.

Now that I have admitted I have a problem I would like to mount up a fresh tire and install a new Penske I bought.

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Well here where I live it is below zero and the ground is covered with snow, so I have a good excuse. However, that being said if the roads were dry and it was below freezing I still wouldn't ride. I have a nice comfortable WARM cage to drive when the temps drop. WHy suffer when you don't have to? I ride because I enjoy riding, but when it gets too cold I no longer enjoy it. Why be miserable when you don't have to? :rolleyes:

Yeah, winter SUCKS! :angry:

Some utterly hilarious posts...

In the DC area, nobody that rides 95, 295, 395, or 495 can be considered a pussy. You have to ride here to understand. Having said that, there are a substantial amount of WIMPS. Won't ride below 50 = WIMP. "Wah wah, it's too cold."

I can tolerate a good deal of cold for fun. Hell, ever been skiing? I've frozen my ass off at 10 degrees and had a blast. I'm late to motorcycling so maybe it's different for me. And with HOV, the bike gets me to work WAY faster than the cage. However, I will NOT risk my life unnecessarily (notice I said unnecessarily...whatever that means) to get to work.

Heated gear and some pain tolerance will go a long way to help one realize fun!

Back in early December 1982 (I remember the year specifically because I had my new '82 Sabre 750), I rode to work - only about five miles, when it was three degrees. This was in Williston, Nordakoda. Got some **** from fellow workers for being stupid, but really got **** at the end of the day when I found some precip had melted into the ignition switch lock, then froze, and I had to push the bike inside and let it thaw. By the way, only 17 below here today, which is a lot warmer than yesterday's 24 below. I drove the Tacoma.

My thresholds (for riding on paved roads):
Won't ride below 60 or rain (any temp) = Fackin' poser.

Won't ride below 50 = Pussy.

Rides between 32 - 50 = hardcore.

Rides below 32 = stupid.

Yep,,, guess I'm a pussy.... :blink:

,,,But the Cadillac has heated leather seats and a remote start so I can warm it up before I even get in... :clapping:

The FJR is all snuggled in for a long winters nap... :rolleyes:

,,, Use to bother me not getting to ride for 3 or 4 months,,, :angry2: But as I've gotten older ,, I don't care for

the cold that much ... ( actually I'll still ride in the 40's if I feel like it,, and I have ridden in the 30's ,, but not any more)

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Patriot Mike: Please send some of that warm New Orleans weather over to Arizona. Only 61 degrees here in Chandler now!
What the hell are you talking about? Go outside dimbulb. It was in the low 40s/upper30s when you posted this!

Got below 30 last night up here at Jane's. Freaking BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Other than Warchild......Don't you people work???
The Blizzard is well under way outside my window right now and I still haven't put the bike away, maybe tomorrow.
oh yuck :( Blizzard hasn't started here yet. Expecting it tonight. And my bike's still sitting in the driveway. Maybe this weekend .....
