Surrounded by *******!

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Once I had to stop and warm my fingers by my Harley engine (before I got the Widders, and the Feejer, natch).
You can still warm your poor widdle pinkies on the FJR. Just stick your finger tips in between the gas tank and frame on either side of the bike, directly beside your knees.

You know i was thinking of this thred & remembered that Wild72 from this forum has put alot of us too shame when it comes to riding in all kinds of crappy weather. And throw in some Baltimore Maryland drivers around you to steer clear of & you have a true iron man. :paladin:

So where I work, we have a good 12-15 motorcyclists that often ride to work.
Strange, though... there has been one single bike in the parking lot all week... my FJR.

Evidently, I am surrounded by *******.... just because of a little cold! :rolleyes: :lol:

Thermometer on the West Richland city kiosk said 5 degrees F when I past it on the FJR this morning at 5:30am. I don't bother with the Warm-n-Safe liner for a mere 8-mile commute to work... but I was mighty thankful for the V-Strom handguards and the +2/+3 Cee Bailey's, I'll admit that.

My garage is insulated, but unheated... it was a nominal 30-ish degrees when I fire the FJR up in the morning. Motor spins through the 5-40W Yamalube just fine at these temps.

But in the late afternoon, the battery really strains trying to spin the motor though molasses-like oil after sitting outside all day exposed in these temps. I actually cringe trying to start it up in the afternoon to go home.

Stupid-ass winter.... :angry2:Warchild, I look to you for advice. You seem to be fairly knowledgeable about riding the FJR in extreme temps. What is the warmest glove you have come across? I assume you wear gloves and a glove liner? I hope this is not considered highjacking a thread. I'm new to this computer ----. Thanks!
No, surrounded by sane people.

Riding a bike should be an activity of pleasure and enjoyment, not an activity for letting the world know that one is a masochist.

No, surrounded by sane people.
Riding a bike should be an activity of pleasure and enjoyment, not an activity for letting the world know that one is a masochist.
No offense but I think much is this thread is in jest...just sayin. Come to think of it so is most of this forum!

Reminds me of...

Mary: "Why do you hang around with that sadist?"

Ann: "Beats me!"

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You can still warm your poor widdle pinkies on the FJR. Just stick your finger tips in between the gas tank and frame on either side of the bike, directly beside your knees.
Yep. Already do it. When I sit at a light on the way to work, those hands drop and dangle right in that special place. If only I hadn't done the heat fix it might actually work.... :glare:

Okay, okay... representing jersey here - and not MTV jersey shore. We here are so not pu**ys that today i took the R1 into work. Left the FJR with its heated grips, touring windshield, storage bags, outside tempmeter, ABS, 6 gallon tank at HOME. Weather was in low 40's. Tomorrow's supposed to be decent too.

Actually got the R1 a few weeks ago. 2008 model, all black, 1800 miles for a price not to be beat.

Have about 31,000 miles on my 2007 FJR. Love that bike and it's my #1 ride but want to learn what makes this R1 run.

+2 on Bandit's post. Best one yet!

Saw a real non-pussy this morning. It's about 48 and coming down pretty good here (rain) and he was headin in to work no big deal.

Blue 05 @ Fairway/Stanford Ranch in Rocklin about to turn left onto Stan Ranch.

Me? I was in my econo-egg of isolation enjoying my windshield wipers and dry ass. :p

Well, I rode in today!

The temp dropped to a bone-chilling 51 degrees on the commute today... shocking for the PNW, I kow.

Felt great to ride again!

Fook me - tough crowd, ... time to man up, I guess...

What I didn't tell you about my ride in was that I have the bike disassembled to install my new triple clamp, so I have to ride in holding the front wheel in my hands.

Oh, I almost forgot... special delivery for El Floro Joe...


Yours was clearly the work of a pussy... mine, however, get's straight to the point! :D

Fook me - tough crowd, ... time to man up, I guess...
What I didn't tell you about my ride in was that I have the bike disassembled to install my new triple clamp, so I have to ride in holding the front wheel in my hands.

Oh, I almost forgot... special delivery for El Floro Joe...


Yours was clearly the work of a pussy... mine, however, get's straight to the point! :D
:tomato: Wow...I guess your no pussy :rofl:

Just wondering... did any of you fine folks HAVE to ride all year round early in your biking days? No cage, no public transportation? Had to ride, rode in all weather.....
As a matter of fact, yeah I did. My first three years of riding were spent in this manner, taking everything Mother Nature could throw at me.

OK, so I was living in Ft. Myers, FL, but still........ :unsure: :blush:

And, since I'm a FNG (and apparently the only one who hasn't yet posted to this thread) let me tell you my cold weather riding story:

Fast forward from 1981 to Nov. '03 after a 20+ year break from riding, and I'm taking the MSF course down in Seekonk, MA on a windy, frickin' cold weekend. First day of class, and the lead instructor is a short, slightly built woman who rides up on a Gold Wing. Jaws drop and glances are exchanged among us students. I guess until that point I never considered that people actually rode motorcycles in the cold. Anyway, she impressed the hell out of me, and at the end of the class she encouraged us to not be fair weather riders.

I bought my Connie the following month and have gotten out there as much as I could ever since. I've got a short commute, which certainly helps. And I definitely draw the line at the freezing temps + precip combo. Black ice, noooo thanks!

Damn the news outlets and creating ****.. Never heard of this stuff till about 15 or so years ago ;)

Doods, I've chipped out pieces of this "black ice" you speak of.. 'An unbelievably, it was infact relatively clear :blink:

Might it just be ice over a black surface? Or is it some mysterious conspiracy by an alien life form? Or worse... The gumment?

Hey I'm just gonna be "Old Fashioned" an call it ice..



