Surrounded by *******!

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No ******* here in Milpitas!
I don't have the luxury of my FJR's barn door windshield or electric bun warmer and stuff due to parts still at the painter. So lately I've been taking my daughter's CBR600F4i to work - 35 miles one way. Man, I dwarf that little bike.

I ride all year, and last monday was no exception. First time I got snowed on on my way to work.

Cool! :yahoo:

It was a bit chilly, but my fingers were still pink when I took my gloves off.


I figure if there aren't any pictures, it didn't happen.


Snow in Milpitas? :dribble:

I moved to Bend, Oregon from Fremont a few years ago. I never saw snow there during the 15 years or so I lived there. This weather sure is strange. It's been below zero here at night and in the single digits during the day. Brrrr.......

Jeez Dale, 100+ posts with this? I guess all you had to write was "surrounded by *******" and everybody thinks it's about something else. Goes to show the mentality of all the old dicks and peters around here...

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Sometimes it pays to listen to one's "Spidey Sense".

I intended to ride the bike this morning (a mere 27 degrees) but when I opened the garage door I noticed the driveway was icey from the sprinklers and my street had a lovely white coating.

Okay, I'll take the pickup....again....

Two intersections I cross were iced, one was the turn onto the freeway on ramp. CalTrans is as bad as I about NOT turning off the sprinklers. I likely would have been on my side.

I believe I'll proudly wear my "Pussy" emblem.

It's way below freezing here, 14 degrees F this morning according to the thermometer in the car, no way is the FJR coming out of its nice warm heated garage !.

So I am proud to be a


So there ..... :p


What's this thread about? :huh:
It's about riding the FJR in the very cold, very dry High Desert of southeastern Washington.

Here's our current temp.... before it starts to get cold tonight. Anyone riding into work with me in the morning?

Hard to believe that right now, 12:06am EDT, it's 76 degrees WARMER here! :dribble: :dribble:

It's times like now that I can live with Florida's flat, straight roads. Cold is a bitch, but 76 degrees difference!!!???

What's this thread about? :huh:
It's about riding the FJR in the very cold, very dry High Desert of southeastern Washington.

Here's our current temp.... before it starts to get cold tonight. Anyone riding into work with me in the morning?

I have to go 20 miles in the other direction or I would be in. :)


PS. The new G3's get much hotter and way faster (tried them out when testing mine at MC shop). My old G3's have been sent back to Gerbings to get fixed...hoping they will upgrade me for FREE. :)

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It's just after 6am... the ride in this morning was indeed a bit on the brisk side.... though it did warm up to 5 degrees F, according to the West Richland city kiosk thermometer.

Looks like this may be the last day of riding, though.... a small front is coming up from the south, and it allegedly has a tiny bit of moisture to it. If so, the asphalt will be white with frost at these temps, and that's the ball game as far as riding for a while. :(

You guys are nuts... below freezing and it just isnt that much fun anymore to ride to work and have to peel off the snowmobile suit after tromping thru the hallways looking like the michelin man.

I do wear my ancient Spartan winter bibs in these temps, but other than that..... no unusual winter gear. It's just a LDComfort longsleeve shirt under a Fieldsheer jacket, BMW winter gloves, Oxtar Matrix boots. Then again, it's only 8 miles.... not enough time to get all that cold.

I`m the last to ride to work , as there are 5 cruisers, one wing, & one first gen venture & of course my faster color FJR :D . But there comes a time to put the beast away (but not yet), when you just loose touch with your limbs. The biggest part of not riding this time of year is too many soccer moms out in a hurry christmas shopping, & instead of looking where there going , there looking at there list & on the phone to see who`s left to buy for. :angry:

I pussed out this morning. It's 26 degrees right now and about 30 deg. is my limit. I did see a guy on what looked like a Ninja 500 on the freeway this morning. 70 mph with minimal wind protection would be pretty bad. No thanks!
