Pronounced "Free-nips"'s just a
We may not quite know when SW-FOG 2012 may be held quite yet, but we do know it'll be in Salida, CO; and thanks to some of our NERDly friends for providing some great web code, I was able to modify it and make a webpage of our very own! You can see it here:
COSFJR (who designed the avatars for 2010 and 2011) thought it'd be a good idea to have a contest in case there's anyone else out there with some design skills that wanted to give it a shot. The winner will have their design posted on the website of course, have it used as the signature avatar, and also used for any t-shirts that may be made up. Post up your designs in this thread (or email them to me and I can host them on the website: rallymaster AT sw-fog DOT com) Email your entries to rallymaster AT sw-fog DOT com no later than March 15, 2012. This way, there won't be any stealing of ideas, etc
I'll post up a poll once I have all the entries and we can vote for the winner.
Note: the design should be made in an electronically reproducible format to make for easier use in the shirt making process. In other words, please no sketches on napkins.
In the meantime, here is what will serve as our placeholder
COSFJR (who designed the avatars for 2010 and 2011) thought it'd be a good idea to have a contest in case there's anyone else out there with some design skills that wanted to give it a shot. The winner will have their design posted on the website of course, have it used as the signature avatar, and also used for any t-shirts that may be made up. Post up your designs in this thread (or email them to me and I can host them on the website: rallymaster AT sw-fog DOT com) Email your entries to rallymaster AT sw-fog DOT com no later than March 15, 2012. This way, there won't be any stealing of ideas, etc
Note: the design should be made in an electronically reproducible format to make for easier use in the shirt making process. In other words, please no sketches on napkins.
In the meantime, here is what will serve as our placeholder

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